An advantage of Langer and Rodin using a questionnaire to collect their data is that large amounts of data could be collected relatively easily and in a relatively short amount of time. For example, Langer and Rodin were able to quickly and easily question 91 residents (Questionnaire 1) about how happy and active they felt both before and after the researcher, as well as 2 nurses (questionnaire 2) about how they perceived the residents in terms of their happiness, alertness, dependency, sociability and activity levels, again both before and after the research.
A disadvantage of Langer and Rodin using a questionnaire is that the honesty of participants cannot be guaranteed who may give socially desirable answers for example, the elderly residents may not have wanted to appear 'Unhappy' in the care home and may therefore have rated themselves as 'happier' than they are were. This could decrease the overall validity of Langer and Rodin’s findings.
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