Keywords: Socio-Cultural Studies (OCR) AS PE
- Keywords must be included in exam answers
- every point you make needs an example
- the 10 mark question
- what's good about it?
- what's bad about it?
- what have others said or written about it?
- What do you think?
- Why do you think that?
- What is your evidence?
- Created by: Karen Wright
- Created on: 23-05-10 07:34
Physical Activity
- gets the body moving and the heart pumping more than you would be if you were at rest
- this includes day-to-day activities such as walking upstairs
- it's also an 'umbrella term'
Physical Activity - the umbrella term
Physical Recreation Physical Education
Outdoor Recreaton Outdoor Education
Exercise/physical exercise
healthy balanced lifestyle
Lifetime sport
Lifelong physical activity
Recommended amounts of physical activity
For a balanced active and healthy lifestyle.
How long should you exercise for?
How much intensity should you do?
1. recommendations for adults
2. recommendations for children and young people
Recommendations for a balanced active healthy life
Adults: minimum 30 minutes, moderate intensity physical activity, 5 x per week
Children and young people: 60 minutes, moderate intensity physical activity, every day. At least two sessions should include higher impact activities to improve bone health, muscle strength and flexibility.
- You can do the exercise in 10 minute chunks over the day.
- Any activity that gets the heart and lungs working is suitable
- moderate intensity means you can hold a conversation during exercise, feel a bit breathless but are back to normal within 10 minutes of stopping.
Sedentary lifestyles
What are the factors contributing
to increasingly sedentary lifestyles?
The factors contributing to increasing
- in the last 150 years Britain has changed from a rural to an urban society - less manual labourers and more people working in offices and at desks for the majority of their day
- walking and cycling modes of transport have declined 20% over 25 years
- exercise is a lifestyle choice not seen as a necessity
- modern technology has reduced the need to move around with labour-saving gadgets such as cars, lifts, escalators, washing-machines,TV zappers,
- more hours are spent in front of the TV and computer, on-line shopping
- parents are fearful of children's safety walking to school
Barriers to physical activity
What are the possible barriers to regular participation in physical activity by young people?
The possible barriers to regular physical activity
OPPORTUNITY (time, money) PROVISION (available facilities) ESTEEM (confidence)
lack of:
- energy
- perceived ability/skills
- friends who participate
- suitable facilities nearby
- money to join a gym
- suitable or correct kit
- anxiety - "I'm scared to walk in the streets in the evening"
- "I prefer to stay in the warm and dry and out of the rain"
- " I don't like exercise"
- "I'm embarrassed to wear a swimming costume"
Physical Recreation
activities that are:
- at a relatively unsophisticated level
- with a playful attitude
- in a leisurely environment
- emphasis on participation, not winning, enjoyment and satisfaction
e.g. a fun game of badminton in the garden
e.g. football in the park with mates using jumpers for goalposts and no kit
What are the benefits to physical recreational activities?
The benefits to physical recreation
physical - learn new skills, improve CV fitness, maintain weight
mental - well-being, feel good factor, good mood
personal - stress relief, relaxation, increase confidence, enjoyable
social - meet people, feeling of belonging
Outdoor Recreation
Young people learning in and about the natural environment. Outdoor education is part of PE involving risk/safety
What are the benefits of outdoor recreation?
The benefits of outdoor recreation
- Appreciation of the natural environment
- get back to nature
- escape from modern technology
- tune in to inner self
- respect for the natural environment
- appreciate the need to preserve, conserve, value and protect the natural environment
- gaining a sense of adventure
- unpredictable
- risky and sometimes dangerous
- with safety precautions there is a sense of excitement and exhiliration
e.g. a walking holiday, skiing
Physical Education
- The learning of physical, personal, preparatory and qualitative values through physical activity in schools
- Learning about physical activity by doing physical activity
What are the benefits of PE?
Personal, Physical, Mental, Improve quality of lif
- enjoyment, confidence
- leadership, teamwork, loyalty
- overcoming challenge
- skill, knowledge of activities
- health and fitness
- coaching, officiating
- preparation for leisure
- preparation for a career
- influence on lifestyle BAHL
- experience excellence, mental well-being
- asthetic awareness
Outdoor Education
Can be part of structured PE programme - young people learning physical skills in the natural environment and taught by specialists.
It involves an element of risk - (natural disaster, or freak accident)
It involves an element of unpredicatability (weather changes)
Taking Part in outdoor education:
Constraints? (what prevents you from taking part?)
The benefits and constraints of taking part in out
Physical - skills, health, knowledge of new skills
Personal - leadership development, decision-making
Preparation for active leisure - lifelong love of the outdoors
Quality of life enhanced - appreciate the environment, awareness of conservation issues
distance to travel
expense or lack of specialist equipmnent, qualifed staff and time involved
safety concerns
skilful physical activity
requires commitment and fairplay
What makes sport a sport?
What makes sport a sport?
- tradition
- vigorous
- competition
- administration - does it have a governing body with rules
- behaviour
Describe cycling as a sport and cycling as recreational activity.