Key Words Glossary 8.1 Unit 8.1: Religion, rights and responsibilities 3.0 / 5 based on 1 rating ? Religious StudiesRights and ResponsibilitiesGCSEAll boards Created by: Kyri BabbageCreated on: 02-05-12 11:40 Unit 8.1: Bible The holy book of Christians 1 of 12 Unit 8.1: Church The community of Christians 2 of 12 Unit 8.1: Conscience An inner feeling of the rightness or wrongness of an action 3 of 12 Unit 8.1: The Decalogue The Ten Commandments 4 of 12 Unit 8.1: Democratic Processes The ways in which all citizens can take part in government (usually through elections) 5 of 12 Unit 8.1: Electoral Processes The ways in which voting is organised 6 of 12 Unit 8.1: The Golden Rule The teaching of Jesus that you should treat others as you would like them to treat you 7 of 12 Unit 8.1: Human Rights The rights and freedoms to which everyone is entitled 8 of 12 Unit 8.1: Political Party A group which tries to be elected into power on the bases of its policies (e.g. Labour/Consecutives) 9 of 12 Unit 8.1: Pressure Group A group formed to influence government policy on particular issue 10 of 12 Unit 8.1: Situation Ethics The idea that Christians should base moral decisions on what is the most loving thing to do 11 of 12 Unit 8.1: Social Change The way in which society has changed and is changing (and also the possibilities for its future 12 of 12
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