John Locke = Sometimes suggested to be the father of much of liberalism and his philosophy was based on the ideas of natural rights and natural laws. Locke was the earliest proponent of liberal ideas and his influence went a long way to create liberalism
John Stuart Mill = Utilitarian philosopher and saw the individual being the most important aspect in liberalism and humans should have near complete freedom but not freedom to the point where you can harm someone else.. this is seen as his 'harm principle' and the state was a threat to freedom
William Beveridge = Unlike many liberals before him, Beveridge did not fear the extension of state intervention and he is one of the first who saw intevention as beneficial. His famous quote sums things up = "a starving man is not free"
John Maynard Keynes = Key economist who is main in what is known as keynesianism when the government do what they have to do reduce unemployment and to even at some cases borrow money to increase the demand for things
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