key facts, word equations and rules . 3.0 / 5 based on 2 ratings ? PhysicsEquations and FormulaeGCSEAll boards Created by: Conner wakemanCreated on: 23-05-11 19:23 Electricity Current is never used up. Current and brightness are similar. Current is the opposite to resistance- when one increases, the other decreases. Current flows from the posotive terminal of the battery to the negative. LDR- in the light- restitance decreases, in the dark- resistance increases. Series and parrallel- usually parallel is more useful. Short curcuit- wire has no resistance and can become a hazard. Diodes- current can only flow in one direction. Resistors- increases the resistance so a short curcuit does not occur or prevents a component over heating with too much current. 1 of 6 Magnetism Like poles repel- opposties attract. Use bar magnet or iron fillings to observe magnetic field. Pattern- out of north and into south Magnetic materials- Nickel, iron, colbalt, steel. Iron is a good temporary magnet used in electromagnets. Steel is good permanent magnet. Freely suspended, magnet aligns itself with Earth's north and south poles. Current in coil creates an temporary magnet around soft iron core. More current= increases strength of magnet. Used in bells and scrap yards for extracting metals from non-metals. Relay is magnetic switch. 2 of 6 Earth Spins on its axis once a day= 24 hours. Axis it tilted at 23.5 degrees at its extreme- causes seasons. One year= 365 and a quarter days- time for the earth to orbit the sun. Moon is the only natural satellite of the earth- 28 days for one orbit. Same side of the moon always faces earth. Eclipses- Lunar- Moon goes into the earth's shadow, Solar- the moon blocks the sun from view of the earth. 3 of 6 Space The sun is the closest star to earth out of millions in our galaxy. The sun is the centre of our dolar system. Nuclear fisions provide the sun's energy. Our solar system is made up of the sun, nine orbiting planets, comets, asteroids and moons. Earth is the only known atmosphere that supports our life form. Satellites are kept in orbit by planet's gravitational pull. Moons are non-luminous and reflect the sun's light. 4 of 6 Light Light is faster than sound. It travels in straight lines from a luminous source. Objects around have different properties. Opaque- does not let light through, causing a shadow. Translucent- lets some light through, is blurred. causes a faint shadow. Transparent- lets all the light through, causes barely any shadow. Some objects reflect the light, however are not luminous. Refraction- the bending of light in a boundary between two mediums and densties- changes direction. Dispersion- ehite light splitting into a spectrum. Light is a form of energy. A light that is invisible to the human eye is called ultraviolet. 5 of 6 Sound Slower than light. Molecules vibrate and are carried to the ear by sound waves. Different animals and humans have different audible ranges. Cannot travel through a vacuum- unlike light-needs a substance to carry it. Sound travels at different speeds in different mediums. Reflection of sound is an echo. A sound to high for humans to hear is ultrasound. 6 of 6
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