Remember: Kant didn't regard the moral argument as an argument for the existence of God; he believed that God's existence could only be established through faith!!
Kant said that people universally agree that some actions are right and wrong. No matter what the culture/time (e.g. murder and **** are always bad). This shows proof of an objective moral law that everyone knows about.
- Not only do we know about this, but we feel an obligation towards it, because its the rational thing to do
- Finding the right action we need to apply moral reason, this reveals the moral law and gives us the categorical imperative (making a moral decision from a sense of duty without any consideration of the outcome) which we should obey.
- Duty is doing a good thing for no other reason because we know it is our duty.
- If someone acts because they are forced to, it would not be a virtuous action. Virtue can only be for duty's sake.
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