June 2014

  • Created by: khawthorn
  • Created on: 15-04-17 18:03

Historical Studies

in the 1970s and 80s some teahers took industrial action.

explain the impact of this industrial action on young peoples participation in physical activity.

the natioanl curriculum was introduced in the 1988. outlinr two possible impacts if this curriculum on Physical education in state schools. (5)

1 of 9

Historical Studies

compare the pre-industrial games of mob football and real tennis.

give two possible reasons for limited participation in real tennis today. (6)

2 of 9

Historical Studies

during the 19th century, social relationships in public schools chnged.

describe how these social relationships were reflected in the nature of sports and games in stage one and stage three.

give two reasons for tehe changes on social relationships between stage one and stage three. (4)

3 of 9

Sports Psychology

achievement motivation includes the need to achieve.

describe four characteristics of someone with need to achieve motives, giving a practical example for each. (4)

4 of 9

Sports Psychology

outline the advantages and disadvantages of personality profilling in sport. (5)

5 of 9

Sports Psychology

describe both cognitive and somatic anxiety management techniques that may help control levels of anxiety in sport. (6)

6 of 9

Exercise and sport Physiology

using examples from a team sport, describe how player resynthesise ATP during a game using the ATP/PC system and lactic acid system . (6)

7 of 9

Exercise and sport Physiology

oxygen avilability and fuel availability affect ATP resynthesis.

describe how these factors determine which energy system is used. (4)

8 of 9

Exercise and sport Physiology

explain why cooling aids are used as a methof of improving performance and helping recovery.

give an example of one cooling aid. (5)

9 of 9


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