Jewish Practices-GCSE AQA Revision
- Created by: Aleena
- Created on: 12-12-16 17:44
Definition: A house of assembly, where Jews meet for prayer,worship & study.
Outside of a Synagoue:
- usually rectangular
- most have stained glass windows
- all have Star of David symbol
Important for Jews because...
- Centre of Jewish Community
- Social Centre
- Place for Prayer & Study
- Focal Point of Jewish Festivals/Rites
- Place of Charitable Work
Inside a Synagogue
Inside a Synagogue... The Ever-Burning Light (ner tamid):
- Usually Rectangular Shape of star of David Oil Lamps but now-Electricity
- 3 sides facing inwards towards Bimah Never unlit
- 4th side has the Holy Ark In front/above Ark
- Seat for Rabbi,Pulpit(Sermons are delivered) Symbolises God's Presence
- Decorative Patterns
- A seat for the Chazzan (singer) The Reading Platform (Bimah): The Ark (Aron Hakodesh): Raised Platform
- Holiest place in synagogue Torah is read from here
- Where scared Torah scrolls are kept
- Represents the Ark of the Covenant (original)
- Front of Synagogue (facing Jerusalem)
Orthodox & Reform Synagogues
Orthodox Synagogues: Reform Synagogues:
- Person leading service-back to congregation Person leading service faces Congregation
- Services are in Hebrew & No Singing Services Hebrew & Own Language & Singing
- Men/Women-sit separately Everyone sits together
- Rabbis-all male Rabbis-Male/Female
- People arrive late & catch up at own pace Shorter services & Set Time
- Services longer than Reform Most men + Some women -Kippah
- Men cover heads with Kippah No daily services- just celebrates
- Married women-scarf/hat Shabbat/Festivals
- Hold daily services & Shabbat/Festivals
Prayer-Why is it Important to Jews?
The Amidah- Standing Prayer/18 Blessings
- Weekdays- centre of all Jewish Prayers
- Prayed in Ssilence,whilst standing + facing Jerusalem
- First 3 blessings-Praise God
- Middle 13 blessings-request God's Help
- Final 3 blessings- Thank God
Teffilin: Black Boxes with Leather Straps
- Strapped onto several parts of the body
- Worn during morning services- apart from Shabbat/Festivals
Tallit:Large rectangular Shawl made from wool,cotton/sythentic fabrics
- Contains strands-Tzitzit
- Tzitzit-Black/Blue
- Worn to fulfill Biblical Precept
- Worn during morning services
Shabbat: A Jewish Holy Day of the week-a day of spiritual renewal
- Friday Sunset- Saturday Sunset
Special to Jews because
- They can relax and it's a gift from God
- Time to worship God
- Reminder of Covanent between God & Jewish People
Getting Ready for Shabbat...
- Do all the cooking, cleaning & shopping in advance(such work is prohibted on Shabbat)
During Shabbat...
- Synagogue holds Friday evening/Ssaturday Morning service (45mins)
- On Sat Morning, Curtains of Ark opened-reveals Torah
- Congregation stand
- Symbolises when Israelites standing bottom of Mt.Sinai,when Moses returned with 10 C's
Shabbat-At Home
- Husband attends the Synagogue Service
- Then, blesses his family & Sing hyms to Angels
Friday Evening:
- Eat a meal- best food of the week/central feature for family
- Food is heated specifically & husband blesses food-wine drunk-wash hands
- Then 2 loaves of Challot cut & sprinkled with salt & shared
Saturday Evening- Havadalah:
- Special Plaited Candle lit & Spice Box passed round
- Wine is blessed and it marks end of Shabbat & Beginning of Week
Worship-At Home
Mezuah: a small box that contains a hand-written scroll of verses from the Torah
- Fixed to a doorpost
- reminder to Jews the words of the Shema& to live the day in a way that shows you're loving God with all your heart, soul & strength.
- a Sofer writes the verses in the Mezuzah
- Slighlty tilted & points to the room
- Shows a sign of God's protection on the family
Tenakh & Talmud
- consists of 24 books (old testament in Christianity)
- Grouped in 3 main parts
- The word Tenakh is formed from taking the 1st of Hebrew names for each of these 3 parts:
- Torah-bases of Jewish Law
- Nevi'im-expanded laws
- Ketuvim- 11 books-poetry,stories, advice, historical accounts,etc.
- Oral Law
- For early Jews, teachings for how to interpret the Torah & apply it's rules to life
- pased from generation to generation by word/mouth
- Danger that teachings to be alterted so Rabbi Hanassi brought all the laws together in 1 document-The MISHNAH
- This caused debate so dicussions were written down-Gemara
- Mishnah + Germara = Talmud
Rituals- The 4 Rites of Passage
An event which may have some significance,which often occurs more than once, like a tradition.
Family: For Jews,family life is v.important
where Jewish faith is preserved & passed onto the next generation
certain events in life of the family are celebrated with religious events/Rites of Passage
Because...they involve moving from one phase of life to another
4 Rites of Passage:
1) Birth-naming-Cicumcision-Redemption of 1st Born son
2) Coming of Age-Bar Mitzvah/Bat Mitzvah
3) Marriage-The Betrothal-The wedding
4) Death-Mourning-The Funeral
1st Rite of Passage-Birth
- Boys-named at Circumcision & Girls about a month after birth by Father,formally
- Both Boys & Girls are blessed 1st Shabbat after birth
Brit Milah (Circumcision):
- Removal of the foreskin from penis for religous reasons
- important for Jews-recalls covenant between God & Abraham + life long membership with God
Redemption of 1st born Son (Pidyon Ha-Ben):
- Orthodox give small amount of money 31 days after birth
- To redeem him from temple service
- 5 silver coins given to Kohen
- Prayers said that the child may enter into Torah+Marriage+Good Deeds
2nd Rite of Passage- Coming of Age
- Bar Mitzvah-Boys-means Son of Commandment-when you're 13 yrs old
- Bat Mitszvah-Girls-means Daughter of Commandment-when you're 12 yrs old
- Usually first Shabbat after 12th/13th Birthday
- May attend preparation classes
- Boys wear tallit for the 1st time
- May lead a prayer in the service/read from Torah/make a speech(at start)
- Father thanks God for bringing son to maturity
- Then you can have a celebratory meal/gifts
- For Reform Jews, Girls' Bat Mitzvah is celebrated with the same importance as a Boys'
- but Orthodox do a small family meal + maybe some gifts
3rd Rite of Passage- Marriage
There are two steps to a Jewish Marriage...
The Betrothal: Means 'made holy' or 'set aside'
- Legal Status in Jewish Law- can't be broken unless by Divorce/Death
- Traditionally year bfr Wedding
- During this year,couples won't live together
- You have to sign a contract, called, Ketubah
The Wedding:
- Takes place in Synagogue/Elswhere (not on Shabbat/Festivals)
- Led by Rabbi & held under a Chuppah(Canopy-symbolises Couples' Home)
- The bride circles the groom
- recite blessings over wine
- Groom places Ring on bride
- Rabbi Recites 7 blessings & a short speech
- Groom breaks a glass-shos destruction of Temple,Jerusalem(hardship in joy)
- Then,a merry wedding reception afterwards!!!
4th Rite of Passage- Death
- When a Jew is dying, their family members visit them-so they won't die alone.
- The dying person tries to make final confession & recites Shema,if able
- After the death, close family tear clothes
- The Funeral happens quickly as possible...
- most Jews are buried usually within 1 day
- Bfr Burial someone stays with body
- Then, its washed carefully & wrapped in Linen + tallit for men
- A corner of Tallit-removed-toshow it will no longer be used in this life
- Body is placed in a simple coffin-to show-all are equal in death
- Doesn't take place in a synagogue since its a place for the living
- No flowers because they are a sign of life
- A service is held (20mins)
- Coffin is lowered and family members take turns to shovel dirt onto the grave
- Offer Condolences & Wash Hands
- A tombstone is placed-Jewish Law so person is remembered
What can Jews eat?
Rosh Hashanah-Jewish New Year
Festival celebrated to mark the start of Jewish New Year (2 days)
10 Days beginning with Rosh Hashanah then ends with Yom Kippur/Days of 'Awe'
- A time Jews think seriously about their lives,then ask God for forgiveness for their sins & make decisions for the new year
- R.H isn't always celebrated in Jan because -Leviticus 23:24 (see Key Quotes Booklet)
- Origins:The anniversary of the day God created Humans + Universe
- Blowing of Ram's Horn- announce Day of Jugement
- Buy Fruit you've not eaten for a while and have lots of good food
- Till Yom Kippur...
Yom Kippur
Holiest + Most Important Day of the Jewish Year
Because it is a day of atonement for sins + when God seals the Book of Judgement
Jews expected to amend relationship with people the 10 days before Yom Kippur
Celebrated in Britian...
- no work
- no makeup/perfume
- wear white-purity symbol
- Jews fast for 25 hours
- most time in Synagogue
- General confession of sins-as a community not individually
- During Final service,Ark opens-last chance for repentance
Service ends with blessing
Yom Kippur
Holiest + Most Important Day of the Jewish Year
Because it is a day of atonement for sins + when God seals the Book of Judgement
Jews expected to amend relationship with people the 10 days before Yom Kippur
Celebrated in Britian...
- no work
- no makeup/perfume
- wear white-purity symbol
- Jews fast for 25 hours
- most time in Synagogue
- General confession of sins-as a community not individually
- During Final service,Ark opens-last chance for repentance
Service ends with blessing
Yom Kippur
Holiest + Most Important Day of the Jewish Year
Because it is a day of atonement for sins + when God seals the Book of Judgement
Jews expected to amend relationship with people the 10 days before Yom Kippur
Celebrated in Britian...
- no work
- no makeup/perfume
- wear white-purity symbol
- Jews fast for 25 hours
- most time in Synagogue
- General confession of sins-as a community not individually
- During Final service,Ark opens-last chance for repentance
Service ends with blessing
Yom Kippur
Holiest + Most Important Day of the Jewish Year
Because it is a day of atonement for sins + when God seals the Book of Judgement
Jews expected to amend relationship with people the 10 days before Yom Kippur
Celebrated in Britian...
- no work
- no makeup/perfume
- wear white-purity symbol
- Jews fast for 25 hours
- most time in Synagogue
- General confession of sins-as a community not individually
- During Final service,Ark opens-last chance for repentance
Service ends with blessing
Yom Kippur
Holiest + Most Important Day of the Jewish Year
Because it is a day of atonement for sins + when God seals the Book of Judgement
Jews expected to amend relationship with people the 10 days before Yom Kippur
Celebrated in Britian...
- no work
- no makeup/perfume
- wear white-purity symbol
- Jews fast for 25 hours
- most time in Synagogue
- General confession of sins-as a community not individually
- During Final service,Ark opens-last chance for repentance
Service ends with blessing