Jekyll and Hyde quotes
- Created by: Adip
- Created on: 17-05-17 17:45
Chapter 1 The Story of the door
Rugged Countenance - RLS on Mr. Utterson
“Backward in sentiment”- Jekyll on Lanyon
“Approved tolerance for others” - RLS on Mr. Utterson
“Sinister Block of building” – Describing a house that Enfield and Utter son walk past
“Showed no window” – Describing a house that Enfield and Utter son walk past
“Sordid no window” - Describing a house that Enfield and Utter son walk past
“a very odd story”- Mr. Enfield
“I was coming home from some place at the end of the world” Mr. Enfield
“Man calmly trampled over the child’s body”
”Dammed Juggernaut” Enfield describing Hyde
Chapter 1 The Story of the door Summary
Utterson and Enfield are out for a walk when they pass a strange-looking door (the entrance to Dr. Jekyll's laboratory). Enfield recalls a story involving the door. In the early hours of one winter morning, he says, he saw a man trampling on a young girl. He pursued the man and brought him back to the scene of the crime. (The reader later learns that the man is Mr. Hyde.)
A crowd gathered and, to avoid a scene, the man offered to pay the girl compensation. This was accepted, and he opened the door with a key and re-emerged with some money and a large cheque.
Utterson is very interested in the case and asks whether Enfield is certain Hyde used a key to open the door. Enfield is sure he did.
Chapter 2 The search for Mr Hyde quotes
“Document had long been the lawyer's eyesore” – RS
“Cavendish Square, the Citadel of medicine” Where Lanyon lives
“Hearty healthy dapper face gentleman” Lanyon described by RS
“You and I must be the oldest friends that Henry Jekyll has” Utterson talking to Lanyon.
“Wrong, wrong in the mind” Lanyon on Jekyll
“Tossed in the gross darkness of the night” Utterson nightmares about Hyde
“Inordinate Curiosity” Utterson Curiosity with Hyde
“If he shall be Mr. Hyde, I shall be Mr. Hyde” Utterson
Chapter 2 The search for Mr Hyde summary
That evening the lawyer, Utterson, is troubled by what he has heard. He takes the will of his friend Dr. Jekyll from his safe. It contains a worrying instruction: in the event of Dr. Jekyll's disappearance, all his possessions are to go to Mr. Hyde.
Utterson decides to visit Dr. Lanyon, an old friend of his and Dr. Jekyll's. Lanyon has never heard of Hyde, and not seen Jekyll for ten years. That night Utterson has terrible nightmares.
He starts watching the door (which belongs to Dr. Jekyll's old laboratory) at all hours and eventually sees Hyde unlocking it. Utterson is shocked by the sense of evil coming from him.
Utterson goes next door to warn his friend, Jekyll, against Hyde but is told by the servant, Poole, that Jekyll is out and the servants have all been instructed by Jekyll to obey Hyde.
Utterson is worried that Hyde may kill Jekyll to benefit from the will.
Chapter 3 Dr Jekyll was quite at Ease Quotes
“ Hosts loved to detain the dry lawyer” Rs on Utterson
“large well-made, smooth-faced man” description of Jekyll
“Cherished for Mr. Utterson a sincere and warm affection” Rs on Jekyll- Utterson relationship
“Hide bound pedant, Lanyon” – Jekyll
“Face turned pale to the very lips” Jekyll reaction to Utterson asking about will
“Blackness about his eyes” Jekyll reaction to Utterson asking about will
“I can be rid of Mr. Hyde” Jekyll
“ painfully situated”- Jekyll
“I have a really a great interest in poor Hyde” - Jekyll
Chapter 3 Dr Jekyll was quite at Ease Summary
Two weeks later, following a dinner party with friends at Jekyll's house, Utterson stays behind to talk to him about the will.
Jekyll laughs off Utterson's worries, comparing them to Lanyon's 'hidebound' (conventional and unadventurous) attitude to medical science. The reader now sees why Lanyon and Jekyll have fallen out and starts to understand that Jekyll's behavior has become unusual.
Utterson persists with the subject of the will. Jekyll hints at a strange relationship between himself and Hyde. Although he trusts Utterson, Jekyll refuses to reveal the details. He asks him, as his lawyer, not his friend, to make sure the will is carried out. He reassures him that 'the moment I choose, I can be rid of Mr. Hyde'.
Chapter 4 The Carew Murder Case Summary
Nearly a year later, an elderly gentleman is brutally clubbed to death in the street by Hyde. The murder is witnessed by a maid who recognizes Hyde.
A letter addressed to Utterson is found on the body and the police contact him. He recognizes the murder weapon as the broken half of a walking cane he gave to Jekyll years earlier. When he hears that the murderer is Hyde, he offers to lead the police to his house.
They are told that Hyde has not been at home for two months. But when they search the house they find the other half of the murder weapon and signs of a hasty exit.
Chapter 4 The Carew Murder Case Quotes
“Small hours” “Fog rolled over city”- RS on atmosphere
“Crime of singular ferocity” – RS
“Aged and beautiful gentleman” RS describing Sir Danvers Carew
“Great flame of anger” RS describing Hyde attacking Carew
“Mr Hyde broke out of all bounds” RS describing Hyde attacking Carew
“Ape like fury” RS describing Hyde attacking Carew
“incredibly mangled” RS describing Hyde attacking Carew
“Particular small and wicked looking” Officer on Hyde
“like a district in some city in a nightmare” Soho
“Fog lifted, showed him a dingy street a gin place” Hyde Street
Chapter 5 Incident of the letter summary
Utterson goes to Jekyll's house and finds him 'looking deadly sick'. He asks whether he is hiding Hyde. Jekyll assures him he will never see or hear of Hyde again. He shows Utterson a letter from Hyde that indicates this.
Utterson asks Guest, his head clerk, to compare the handwriting on the letter to that on an invitation from Jekyll. There is a resemblance between the two, though with a different slope. Utterson believes Jekyll has forged the letter in Hyde's handwriting to cover his escape.
“three dusty windows barred by iron” Describing Jekyll’s house windows.
“I have lost confidence in myself” – Jekyll
“fog slept on the wing above the drowned city”
“rather singular resemblance” guest commenting on Hyde and Jekyll writing
“Henry Jekyll forge for a murder!” – Mr Utterson
Chapter 6 Remarkable Incident of Dr Lanyon Qoutes
“ death warrant written legibly upon his face “
“ Flesh had fallen away “ R.S on Lanyon
“I wish to see no more of Dr Jekyll” Lanyon
“Chief of sinners, Chief of sufferers also” – Jekyll
“Dark influence of Hyde” – Utterson`
“His thoughts were disquieted and fearful” RS On Utterson
“relieved to be denied admittance “
“surrounded by the air and sounds of city”
Chapter 6 Remarkable Incident of Dr Lanyon Summary
The police cannot find Hyde. Coincidentally, Jekyll seems happier and, for two months, he socializes again.
Suddenly, however, he appears depressed and will not see Utterson. Utterson visits Dr. Lanyon to discuss their friend's health but finds Lanyon on his death-bed.
Lanyon refuses to discuss Jekyll who, he hints, is the cause of his illness.
Trying to find out what has happened, Utterson writes to Jekyll. He receives a reply which suggests Jekyll has fallen into a very disturbed state and talks of being 'under a dark influence'.
Lanyon dies and leaves a letter for Utterson in an envelope marked 'not to be opened till the death or disappearance of Dr. Henry Jekyll'. Utterson, being a good lawyer, locks it away unopened in his safe.
Utterson tries to revisit Jekyll several times, but his servant, Poole, says he is living in isolation and will not see anyone.
Chapter 7 Incident at the window Quotes
" God forgive us , god forgive us" Utterson
"thrust down the window" - RS
“Very cool and damp”
“Full of premature twilight” RS describing Jekylls House
“such abject of terror and despair”
“Infinite sadness of mine” – Jekylls face
“like some disconsolate prisoner”
“ It is quite impossible I dare not “- Jekyll
“Shared you feeling of repulsion” Utterson
“I am very low” – Jekyll
Chapter 7 - Incident at the Window Summary
Utterson and Enfield are taking one of their walks, as at the opening of the book. They pass Jekyll's window and see him looking like a prisoner in solitary confinement. Utterson calls out to him and Jekyll replies, but his face suddenly freezes in an expression of 'abject terror and despair'.
The change in Jekyll's expression is so sudden and horrible it 'froze the very blood of the two gentlemen below', and they depart in silence
Chapter 8 - The Last Night
One evening, Jekyll's servant comes to Utterson and asks him to come to Jekyll's house. They go to the laboratory, but the door is locked. The voice from inside does not sound like Jekyll's and both men believe it is Hyde.
Poole says the voice has for days been crying out for a particular chemical to be brought, but the chemicals given have been rejected as 'not pure'.
Poole says that earlier he caught a glimpse of a person in the lab who looked scarcely human.
They break down the door and inside find a body, twitching. In its hand are the remains of a test tube (or vial). The body is smaller than Jekyll's but wearing clothes that would fit him.
On the table is a will dated that day which leaves everything to Utterson, with Hyde's name crossed out. There is also a package containing Jekyll's 'confession' and a letter asking Utterson to read Dr. Lanyon's letter which he left after his death (see Chapter 6) and is now in Utterson's safe.
Utterson tells Poole he will return before midnight when he has read all the documents.
Chapter 9 Dr Lanyon's Narrative Quotes
“any break in our affection” – Jekyll to Lanyon
“ serve me and save” Jekyll to Lanyon
“ The door was very strong, the lock excellent”
After 2 hours work the door stood open”
“highly pungent sense of smell”- Lanyon on Chemical
“My impatience has shown its heels to my politeness”
“Has the greed for curiosity too much command of you?” Hyde to Lanyon
“rendered to a man of mortal distress”- Lanyon about transformation (Hyde to Jekyll)
“O god I screamed and O god again – Lanyon about transformation (Hyde to Jekyll)
“ Like a man restored from death” Lanyon on Hyde becoming Jekyll.
Chapter 9 - Dr Lanyon's Narrative Summary
Chapter 9 lists the contents of Dr. Lanyon's letter. It tells of how Lanyon received a letter from Jekyll asking him to collect a drawer containing chemicals, a vial and a notebook from Jekyll's laboratory and to give it to a man who would call at midnight.
Lanyon says he was curious, especially as the book contained some strange entries.
At midnight a man appears. He is small and grotesque, wearing clothes that are too large for him.
The man offers to take the chemicals away or to drink the potion.
Lanyon accepts and, before his very eyes, Hyde transforms into none other than Dr. Jekyll.
In horror at what he has witnessed, Lanyon becomes seriously ill.
Chapter 10 - Henry Jekyll's Full Statement of the
All in Henry Jekyll letter to Utterson
“large fortune”
“profound duplicity of life”
“I have been doomed ,dreadful shipwreck”
“primitive duality of man”
“polar twins should be continuously struggling”
“one was wholly evil”
“I had gone to bed Jekyll , I had awakened Hyde “
“My devil had been caged, he came out roaring”
“ I bring the life of that unhappy Jekyll to an end”
Chapter 10 - Henry Jekyll's Full Statement of the
Jekyll tells the story of how he turned into Hyde.
It began as a scientific curiosity in the duality of human nature (or the good and evil), and his attempt to destroy the 'darker self'. Eventually, however, he became addicted to the character of Hyde, who increasingly took over and destroyed him.
The novel does not return to Utterson who, at the end of Chapter 8, was going to return to Jekyll's house.