4. Carew mudrer case
- a maid recounts the murder
- Carew is presented as innocent ans therefore Hyde attacks him for no reason - more shocking
- Utterson leads police to Hyde's house - he's not in but his landlasy answers the door, she has an "evil face, smoothed by hipocrisy" - parallels (apperance vs reality)
5. Incident of the letter
- Jekyll is agitated by the murder and is determined to be rid of Hyde, swearing to Utterson they will never see him again
- Jekyll says he recieved a letter from Hyde, but Utterson shows it to Guest who realises that the handwriting is very similar to Jekyll's - furhter convincing Utterson that Hyde is blackmailing Jekyll
6. Remarkable incident of Dr Lanyon
- We find out (IN CHAPTER 9) Lanyon sees Jekyll turn into Hyde - leaving an envelope for Utterson to open on the death or disappearance of Jekyll
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