jekyll and hyde
- Created by: Katie.nicholls._
- Created on: 17-06-19 09:09
Dr Henry Jekyll
- 'Charitable Man'
- sociable man compared to Utterson and Enfield
- described as carrying 'his head held high'
- Well - repsected doctor
- Friend of Lanyon
- Physician
- Utterson is his lawyer
Chapter 1 - Story of the door
Mr Utterson and Mr Enfield are taking their weekly walk on their walk they see a strange building attached to Mr Jekyll's house - a good friend of theirs.
Mr Enfield then tells a story of Mr Hyde and how he trampled a young girl's leg and had no remorse for what he had done going through this strange door to get a check from Dr Jekyll.
Utterson then becomes obsessed with Mr Hyde and wantsto meet him, beginning to enquire about Mr Hyde and started to watch the myserious door.
Chapter 2 - The Search For Mr Hyde
The chapter begins when Mr Utterson is introduced to the character Mr Hyde. Instantly, Utterson takes a strong disliking to Hyde after their conversation. Utterson attempts to warn Jekyll but his butler (Poole) informs him that Jekyll is not around. Jekyll tells them to let Hyde do as he wishes.
Two weeks later, at a friends dinner partry, Utterson asks Jekyll about his will. Utterson is suprised that Hyde is included in his will and is potentially concerned/worried. Jekyll does the socially accepteble thing by laughing off the matter ensuring he has everything under control.
Chapter 3 - Dr Jekyll Was Quite At Ease
Two weeks later, at a friends dinner partry, Utterson asks Jekyll about his will. Utterson is suprised that Hyde is included in his will and is potentially concerned/worried. Jekyll does the socially accepteble thing by laughing off the matter ensuring he has everything under control.
Chapter 4 - The Carew's Murder
Almost a year later, a well-resepected upper-classed man (Carew) was murdered by Mr Hyde. The weapon used to kill Carew was Dr Jekyll's walking cane. A maid who luved across the street who witnessed the murder suffered severe distress and could not believe the burtaility of the murder. This makes Utterson to see Hyde pay for his actions.
Chapter 4 - The Incident Of The Letter
Dr Jekyll becomes very ill and isolated. He reassures everybody that he is rid of Mr Hyde. The police can't find Hyde and Jekyll becomes happier and more sociable as a result.
Chapter 6 - The Remarkable Incident Of Dr Lanyon
Suddenly, Dr Jekyll becomes depressed and refuses to see Utterson. Utterson decides to visit Jekyll's oldest friend, Dr Lanyon. Dr Lanyon is on his death-bed and refuses to discuss Jekyll. Lanyon dies and leaves a letter for Utterson that says it shouldn't be opened until the death of disappearance of Dr Jekyll.
Chapter 7 - Incident Of The Window
Chapter 8 - The Last Night
One evening, Jekyll's servant comes to Utterson and asks him to go to Jekyll's house. Utterson goes and listens at the locked laboratory door where strange noises are heard. Poole tells Utterson that the laboratory has been locked for days. The person inside the laboratory keeps asking for chemicals and complains that the ones Poole has found aren't 'pure'.Utterson and Poole break down the laboratory door. On the floor there is a small, deformed person wearing Jekyll's clothes, he is twitching and holding a vial. On the desk there is a copy of Jekyll's will with Hyde's name crossed out and Utterson's instead. There is also a confession written by Jekyll. Utterson takes the documents home to study. Utterson reads Dr Lanyon's letter which tells Utterson the true nature of Jekyll's experiments and the true identity of Mr Hyde. Utterson reads Dr Jekyll's 'Statement of the Case' where Jekyll confesses his dark experiments and how Hyde became too controlling. Utterson is amazed and shocked by it all.
Chapter 9 - Dr Lanyon Narrative
- Dr. Lanyon receives a letter from Dr. Jekyll asking him, in the name of their long and esteemed friendship, to perform a complicated favor.
- The favor involves breaking and entering into Dr. Jekyll’s laboratory and giving some potions to a messenger who will arrive at Dr. Lanyon’s house at midnight.
- Dr. Lanyon does as the letter requests.
- Mr. Hyde shows up, eager to take the chemicals. He’s wearing clothes that are much too big for him.
- He takes the chemicals and transforms into Dr. Henry Jekyll.
- This is quite a disturbing sight, especially for a man of science such as Dr. Lanyon.
Chapter 10 - Henry's Jekyll Full Statement of the
- Dr. Jekyll starts his letter by explaining the two sides of his character: on the one hand, he loves being sober, dignified, and respectable, yet on the other hand he craves pleasure and debauchery.
- In his research, he discovers how to split these two natures into two men.
- He takes a potion and immediately feels both extreme pleasure and extreme wickedness.
- This wickedness is accompanied by a transformation into Mr. Edward Hyde.
- He takes the potion and transforms back into Dr. Jekyll.
- He therefore does not succeed in creating someone wholly good and someone wholly evil, but rather himself and a wholly evil version of himself.
- He makes various arrangements for his new self: a house, a housekeeper, a new will, etc. You need stomping grounds for the evil version of yourself.
- Then he goes nuts as Edward Hyde—unfortunately, he gives us no descriptions beyond "wickedness."
- His conscience doesn't trouble him, because as Dr. Jekyll, he continues being respectable.
- When he knocks over the child as Mr. Hyde, he has to use Dr. Jekyll’s bank account to not get killed by the angry mob. Soon after, he opens a bank account in Mr. Hyde’s name.
- Two months before the murder of Sir Danvers Carew, Dr. Jekyll wakes up one morning as Mr. Hyde.
- This is disconcerting, to say the least, and Dr. Jekyll begins to feel that he has to make a choice between his two personas.
- For the next two months, he lives a respectable life as Dr. Jekyll.
- But he longs to become Mr. Hyde again. So one evening, he takes the transformative potion.
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