Italy practise essay
- Created by: Butlers2510
- Created on: 06-06-18 12:32
Essay question
To what extent was Mussolini's consolidation of power from 1922 to 1926 due to the mistakes of his political opponents?
- Parliment allowing Musolini to pass the Acerbo Law (passed November 1923
- Failing to depose Mussolini following the Matteotti crisis, if done so, he would have not consoliodated power (dissappeared 10th June, 1924)
- Aventine secession (June 1924) allowed Mussonlini to establish a dictatorship without opposition
- It wasnt the mistakes, but rather the fear of the Squadristi which helped Mussolini gain power
- For many Italains, Fascism was the only option other than communism at the time (hence the 66% of Italy voting for Mussolini in the 6th of April 1924 elections
- Mussolinis skill was what led to his power (manipulated the Matteotti crisis to his advantage, good public speaker etc)
Essay question
To what extent was the collapse of the Liberal state due to the impact of The First World War?
- Italy lost 700,000 men to war but gained very little as a result of that which upset and angered people at home
- The war resulted in the socialists gainging a lot more support; in 1914 they had 50,000 members and in 1919 that rose to just below 200,000 members
- After the war, Italy was in debt of 15 billion lire to Britain and 8.5 billion lire to the USA
- High levels of political instability (9 governments between 1900-1911)
- North-south divide saw a huge difference in economic growth. The north had some industries set up whereas the south had hardly any. Although the north did have some industries, they still struggled and production came from the main cities rather than smaller towns and cities
- There were huge amounts of poverty and disease, especially in the south
Essay question
'Mussolini created a loyal nation of fascists between 1926 and 1939' How far do you agree with this statement?
- The Opera Nazionale Dopolavoro (OND) set up in 1925 was very popular among Italians
- Had control over education, and created young passionate fascists (the use of The Balillia helped this, made compulsary in 1935)
- Properganda massively increased his popularity (cult of Il Duce)
- Mussolini still faced opposition (several anti-Fascist organisations, Rosselli Brothers being an example)
- Anti-semitic laws intoroduced in 1937 was widely unpopular, causing many to lose faith in Fascism
- The cult led many people to support Mussolini, rather than Fascism as a whole
Essay question
To what extent was Mussolini's economic policy successful in the years 1926-1939?
- Heavy machinery production thrived through state investment
- Fascist policies protected Italy from the Great Depression, allowing Italy to continue to Modenize
- Battle for Land (1928) allowed Italian infrastructure to improve (5000 km of railways were electrified, new motorways built e.g. Autosrada)
- Battle for the Lira led to exports decreasing massivley, as the currency became more expensive, as did goods
- The wealth gap between the industrialised North and the rural South widened
- The Battle for Grain was counter-productive (aiming for Autarky led to grain production to to increase by 50%, but they were cheaper to import)
Essay question
To what extent was the 1935 inasion of Abyssinia a success?
- Increased Italy's 'empire' and placed Mussolini on the world stage
- Very popular among Italians (Felt Itay was gaining meaningful land after being cheated after WW1)
- Italian unison (Many Women donated gold after following the Queens footsteps)
- Economically, the invasion was a disaster (State debt rose from 3.5 bil Lira- 16 bil Lira)
- Britain and France condemmed Italys actions (use of chemical weapons)
- Money had to keep being spent due to guerrilla war (further increase the overall cost, men were sent there instead of the front line during WW2, so wasted resources)
Essay question
How successful was Mussolini in Achieving his foreign policy aims before 1935?
- Dominance was asserted in Corfu in 1923 (Made Mussloini seem like a strong leader)
- Maintained control over Lybia through violence
- Wanted to increase land through the Lacarno treaty, showing that Italy's international presence was ready to increase
- Failed to gain any land from the Lacarno Treaty (Britain and France didn't feel Italy needed the land, embarresment to Italy)
- Still very reliant and subservient to Britain (Weaker navy, economic reliance)
- Attempted to create 1934 Power Pact to attempt to control Germany, but was never ratified)
Essay Question
To what extent was the Giolittian programme successful?
- Able to improve relations with Socialists (Achieved through im proving standareds of living through social reforms e.g 1913 old/ill fund for merchants and navy)
- The Libyan war improved international standing (Revenge for failed Adowa invasion in 1896)
- Made Italy into a stroger and more inclusive Democracy
- Strong relations with socilaists angered the Cathlic Church and industrialists over 1906 neutrality
- Over relaince on Church would be Giolitti's eventual downfall (Gentiloni claimed 228/318 Liberal seats after 1913 were Cathlic
- Libyan war faced critisism from Nationalists (blamed lack of patriotism for fatalities and length)
Essay question
How far do you agree that Mussolini's control of Italy was mainly a result of Propaganda and Indoctrination?
- The cult of Il Duce provided large amounts of support for Mussolini himslef, making it easier for him to assert his will
- Indoctrination allowed Mussolini to control what the youth of Italy was exposed to (ONB, Balillia etc)
- Mussolini put propaganda everywhere, and only showed the Italains what they wanted to see and hear
- Large levels of fear were used to control the nation (use of the Squadristi)
- 1926 Press cencorship laws allowed Mussolini to control the news
- Edorsment from the Pope (through the Lateran Pact, 1929) gave Mussolini a tighter grip over the Church, which was very influential (99% of the country was Baptised)
Essay question
How far did Mussolini achive his political goals in relation to Italy's youth during 1926-1930?
- The use of Fascit youth groups allowed indoctrination a lot easier (which was one of Mussolini's main goals for youth)
- He wanted to create a stron nation (strong emphasis on PE in the school syllibus)
- Education was nearly fully linked to war (Maths was used to work out trajectory for bombs)
- Cathlic church still had a strong influence on the youth (something that Mussolini wanted to remove through the 1929 Lateran Pact)
- Other youth groups were still present which some youths chose over the Fascits youth groups (for example, Cathlic Action remained very popular)
- Often high levels of critisism from university students towards the regime (Mussolini prefered to focus on the youngest kids which were easier to indoctrinate)
Essay question
How successful was Mussolini in achieving his foreign policy aims between 1935-1940?
- Invassion of Abyssinia was very popular among Italians and put Mussolini among the world stage (something that was key to Mussolini)
- The Hoare-Laval pact (Dec, 1935) gave Mussolini 2/3 of Abyssinia, showing that other countries were starting to take Mussolini seriously
- Improved international relations with other countries (signed many pacts with Germany)
- Abyssinia was a long-term burden on Italy, and majorly affected the size of the army during WW2
- The Spanish civil war proved pointless, as there were no territoral gains A(gaining land was arguably the most important aim for Mussolini)
- Relations between Britain and France deterriorated rapidly (due to **** to Germany e.g R-B Axis 1936)
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