Italy 1900's revision 0.0 / 5 ? HistoryItaly - 19th and 20th centuryA2/A-levelAQA Created by: Doni AhmetajCreated on: 22-01-19 20:40 Liberal Italy facts Real wages rose by 25% by 1913 8 Prime ministers during 1900-1915 Establsishment of social insurance and pensions Franchise extended to all males over 30 years old Laws controlling female and child labour Italy invaded Libya September 1911 5 million Italians emigrated to the USA by 1914 Humiliation in Adowa 1897 GDP increased by 33% from 1895 to 1915 Foreign trade rose by 6 times Lack of key resources - Steel and Iron Red Week 1914 1 of 3 Mussoloni March on Rome October 1922 Acerbo Law 1623 Always had at least 2/3 of the seats through the Acerbo Law Battle for Lira success - cheaper imports Battle for Lira failure - real wages fell due to fall in the value of money Mussolini used self sufficiency as propaganda for World recognition Corporate State a failure but good propaganda Great Deppression caused manufacturing to fall by 14% OND activities kept people happy and won Mussilini support Real wages fell by 45% due to 6 separate wage cuts. Indoctrination amongst schools Every classroom had a large portrait of the Duce upon the wall. Concordat 1929 Battle for Births Italy not Totalitarian - Still king and the pope 2 of 3 Foreign Policy Corfu Crisis 1923 - Italy paid 50 million lira by Greece Recapturing Fiume 1924 - Nationalist Support. Albania 1926 - Albania declared an Italian Protectorate Four Power Pact 1933 Leaders of Germany Italy France UK met in Rome Mussolini used this as propaganda to show Italy as the main European power Stressa Front 1935 - discuss the fear of Germany with UK and France Abyssynia 1935-6 revelead military weaknesses,economy drained,. Spanish Civil War 1936 - 4000 soldiers died while Italy sent 40000 to show off Mussolini invaded Albania in 1939 to respond to Hitler's actions Pact of Steel 1939 but not kept by Italy Bad strategy in WW2 - Multiple battle fronts in Greece and Egypt which they couldnt keep Catholics and even senior fascists turned against Mussolini due to poor war ''The most hated man in Italy'' Italians lost faith in Fascism and Mussolini completely Partisans imposed a serious threat Mussolini suffering from poor health 3 of 3
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