Neo Guelphism - Vincenzo Gioberti's Primato, Italy should be drawn together under the Pope. 'Guelph' from middle age battles with German emperors. Believed the Roman Papacy gave Italians the upper hand over Europeans. Moderate approach.
Piedmontism - Cesare Balbo, Italy should be drawn together under Charles Albert. Founded Il Risorgimento 1847
Mazzini + Young Italy - Believed Italy should be one nation, wanted independent nation of freemen and equals, Christianity 'worn out' and should be replaced by democracy. Ideas too intellectual, idealistic, impractical; no basis for revolution
Carbonari/Adelfia - Naples, 60,000 members, 5% adult male population there. Not necessarily concerned with unification; main aim to gain constitutions and other freedoms. No united leadership/organisation, didn't work together. Conservative methods. Adelfia wanted Italy to be a Communist Republic.
National Sentiment in Culture/Language/Science - Term 'risorgimento' referring to Italy as a whole, used from 1775 onwards. Little impact - small audience, common themes good triumphing over evil, linked Italian culture with liberty. 1840s works with patriotic themes, Giuseppe Verdi's political messages in his music, more literature on unity, national scientific conferences to show unity.
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