Home Rule Bill is introduced to the British House of Commons.
Unionists oppose
"Home Rule is Rome Rule"
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Paramilitary group UVF is formed.
25,000 guns land from Germany to be used if Home Rule is enforced.
"No surrender"
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Outbreak of WWI delays Home Rule.
Causes IVF split.
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Easter Rising led by Republicans.
Staged armed rebellion in April 1916, briefly taking over small part of Central Dublin.
Rebellion is crushed, it's leaders found guilty of treason and shot as a result.
Many 100s were interned in Britain.
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Sinn Féin recieves overwhelming support after the war.
The failed rising inspired many to join theIRA, led by Mícheál Ó Coileáin.
This began a guerilla warfare against theBritish.
Conflict escalted quickly into a brutal war of attriction between theIRA and British.
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Government Act of 1920
Start of Northern Ireland partition.
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Treaty of 1921 ended the war with British.
Irish negotiations with Mícheál Ó Coileáin, but notÉamon de Valera,accepted it under a threat of "war within 3 days" from British Prime Minister, Lloyd George.
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The IRA and Sinn Féin disagreed over the treaty issue which began a civil war.
This became more brutal than the war of independance with massacres and atrocities on both sides which lasted until 1923.
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