Deviance can take place in a number of different ways in society; secret/private deviance and open/public deviance.
- Secret/private deviance:
- This form of deviance is often concealed; it may be hidden in small places such as the workplace or at home.
- Open/public deviance:
- This type of deviance will often involve the following of the norms and values of an 'outsider' or deviant group.
- For example, new age travellers; they have a different lifestyle to the minority of the population.
- Downes and Rock:
- "Deviance may be considered as banned or controlled behaviour which is likely to attract punishment or disapproval"
- However, what constitutes banned or controlled behaviour varies according to history, culture, subculture, the social characteristics of the deviant, prevailing norms, values and laws.
- Deviance is socially constructed.