Introduction to Small Animal Rehabilitation


What is this unit about?

A chance for students to gain an introduction into the knowledge and skills required to work in small animal rehabilitation. 

Small Animal Rehabilitation covers physiotherapy and hydrotherapy, but may also include alternative therapies such as Chiropractics, Osteopathy, acupuncture and massage.

Covering mainly the treatment of dogs, but Animal Rehabilitation such as Physiotherapy is used small animal practice as well as Equine and Farm Animals. 

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Learning Outcomes

LO1: Understand therapies, organisations, job roles and career pathways

LO2: Understand legislation, codes of practice and codes of conduct that affect small animal rehabilitation 

LO3: Understand how to communicate with clients and vets to obtain a patient history

LO4: Understand how animal characteristics, behaviours and activities can impact rehabilitation therapy

LO5: Assist with a small animal rehabilitation therapy

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Leaflet: LO5

You will need to produce a Leaflet about assessing patients, this will happen under supervised conditions and you can use class notes and a PC to type. 

Booklet: LO1 and LO4

Produce an information booklet. You will research throughout the year (through homework tasks) small animal rehabilitation, and then under exam conditions using all your research produce a booklet on small animal therapy and rehabilitation for marking. 

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Schooling problems, behavioural problems or reduced performance can all be caused by pain, muscle weakness or joint stiffness. 

What is it?

Involves the assessment and treatment of musculoskeletal and/or neurological conditions in animals. It combines movement analysis with knowledge of the anatomy of the neuro-muscular system in order to identify potential problems.

What can be carried out?

Includes joint mobilisations and manipulations, massage and other soft tissue techniques.

Physiotherapy aims to maintain and restore:

  • normal range of movement in the musculoskeletal system
  • limit the impact of injury and/or disease process
  • optimise the healing process and accelerate return to function, independence and/or performance
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wow cool!)))

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