Intermolecular Bonds


Summary of Intermolecular Bonds

Instantaneous Dipole-Induced Dipole

  • Are bonds which operate between all molecules and between the isolated atoms in noble gases
  • Are much weaker than other types of intermolecular bonds
  • Are the result of electrostatic attraction between temporay dipoles and induced dipoles caused by the movement of electrons

The strength of the bonds is related to the number of electrons present hence the size of the molecule

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Summary of Intermolecular Bonds

Permanent Dipole- Permanent Dipole Bonds

  • Are addtional electrostatic bonds between polar molecules
  • Are the stronger than intantaneous dipole-induced dipole bonds for the molecules of equivant size

A polar molecule is the one that has the a permanent dipole. The spatial arrangement of a polar covalent bonds is important in determining whether or not a molecule as a whole is polar

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