Influences on Physical Participation 5.0 / 5 based on 1 rating ? Physical EducationParticipation in physical activityGCSEAQA Created by: 12hjoelsCreated on: 07-02-17 12:22 Peers - positive and negative effects ADV Support views on participation Encouragement eg watch a game Listen to advice Admire/fllow their example Join in with them DISADV Go along with negative views of physical activity, PE lessons Choosing not to be active because they aren't Not going to training because friends aren't 1 of 10 Family - positive and negative effects ADV Role models Financial support eg, equipment, kit, subs Provide transport for training and matches Encouragement and motivation DISADV Poor role model: inactive Lack of financial support Lack of encouragement Pressure to focus on academic work 2 of 10 Gender - positive and negative effects ADV Less an issue now than previously More opportunities for women to play same sports as men More opportunities for remale role models within sport, eg. referee, coach, manager DISADV Still some gender differences: inbalance in media coverage, money 3 of 10 Ethnicity - positive and negative advantages ADV Role models: increase in ethnic minority participation in elite sports DISADV Traditional views don't always support participation eg some religious don't encourage females due to clothing issues Influences by visibility of role models of similat racial background, eg fewer black people in sports like tennis and golf than football Instances of racial abuse 4 of 10 Sport England government agency aim: 'start, stay, succeed' in sport focuses on priority groups role: provides funding, facilities, measures participation Facilities, Funding, Measuring participation, Priority groups 5 of 10 NGBs responsible for their particular sport provides funding to support the development of talented athletes and competitions at different levels provide support to coaches and officials Coaching, Officiating, Talent development, Competitions 6 of 10 Youth Sports Trust aims to increase participation of young people in PE and school sport manages national school sport competitions - school, inter-school, area, national leadership and volunteering programs eg Young Ambassadors 'To change young people's lives through sport' 7 of 10 Dame Kelly Homes Trust 'To get young people's lives back on track by providing sport from young sports stars' inspire participation mentor young people eg, AQA unlocking potential, London 2012 young leaders 8 of 10 School Influences - National Healthy Eating Progra AIM: 'to help young people be able to make informed health and life choices' Long-term initiative Whole school approach - parents, students, teachers Four core themes: Personal, social and health education - sex, relationship and drug education Healthy Eating - teaching healthy food choices and provided nutritious food and drink Physical Activity - provide pupils with range of participation opportunities and importance Emotional health and well-being - provided for vulnerable pupils, confidential pastoral support 9 of 10 School Influences - National Curriculum teaching PE is a legal requirement aims: improve health and fitness provide balance with other subjects opportunity to try different sports provide qualification teach value of physical activity and sport in society Opportunites: Timetabled lessons, extracurricular, clubs, link with local clubs, outside visits Cross-curricular links between Pe and eg Science, IT, maths Variety of categories 10 of 10
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