What was the name of the hospital ship commissione
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Why did Gandhi think that it was important for Ind
In order to show their desire to share in the responsibilities of membership of the British Empire.
(or any other acceptable alternatives)
3 of 15
How do we know (specific example) that Indian sold
Most described (in their letters written home from the Front) the king or British Empire as worthy causes for which they were fighting.
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The first Indian expeditionary force was made up o
28,500 Indian troops of the Lahore and Meerut divisions of the Secunderabad cavalry
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Where did the first Indian expeditionary force emb
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On what date did the first Indian expeditionary fo
26th of September 1914
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Indian regiments provided what percentage of the A
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What happened to the Lahore division at the Second
They were thrown into the counter-attack
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In December 1915, two infantry divisions were with
Indians were suffering from low morale and the War Office feared that they could not survive another winter on the Western Front - better suited to the climate of the Middle East.
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Why did the relocation of the Indian infantry divi
They were badly led and under-equipped - Indian industry was not yet geared up to the production of weapons of vehicles.
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Why didn't the Allies divert supplies to help the
They could not afford to.
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What location was the British forced besieged at i
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• Two Indian cavalry divisions remained on the Wes
The Turks.
14 of 15
On what date did the British force eventually surr
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