What was the extent of opposition in 1914-1916?
- Only a few socialist members were against war, and when radicals appeared (Luxemburg and Liebknecht) they were put in prison for campaigning for peace. German Peace League formed but had little impact. Police force and public opinion kept opposition low.
- 1916 - attrition year; Falkenhayn wanted an endurance war; he launched attack in France where they were near to surrendering. Germans managed to sink a few British Royal Navy Vessels but had to retreat to port. Russia attacked German Austrian Allies and they had to support their ally. Falkenhayn then fell from his position as casualties reached 1.5 million.
- Hindenburg(head of OHL) and Ludendorf( Chief of Staff)- had sole control of war from 1916. War aims were; knock USSR out of war, get allot of land, mobilise all Germany materials towards war effort.
- Hindenburg Programme: Shut down all unimportant industries to free labour. Auxiliary Labour Law (ALL) was forced labour for men over 17; resulted in military having trade unions which was not supported. It FAILED as War office failed to shut down non important businesses, ALL did not get large numbers of men to work, put a larger strain on raw materials; DID INCREAASE PRODUCTION. 1915-17 by 50%.
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