There was an increase of white racism and violence after the First World War with people trying to stop black and Asian workers 'taking their jobs'.
Racist riots carried out in areas all over the U.K including Cardiff, Glasgow, South Shields and Hull.
In Limehouse, East London, black people were attacked in four days of rioting. White violence in Cardiff led to three deaths and over £3,000 of property damage.
National Union of Seamen - demanded that the jobs of non-white workers should be given to whites. White workers in Liverpool went on strike in protest at working alongside white workers. Led to 120 black workers losing their jobs.
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A 1919 report showed that wages between white and non-white workers were highly weighted in favour of white workers. For example, Asian chefs were being paid £5 a month whilst whites were paid £20 a month.
League of Coloured People claimed that 80% of black and Asian men had been unemployed for a long period compared to 30% of white men.
Cardiff race riot, 1935 - police worked with white men to prevent black British sailors from working on ships, saying they weren't truly British.
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