ICT unit 1
- Created by: Darcey1010
- Created on: 14-03-19 12:03
Uses of digital devices
Personal - playing games, watching TV, internet banking, home systems
Social - Instant messaging, Social networking, VOIP calls
Retail - Online shopping, recording sales, data modelling, stock checking
organisational use -
Uses of digital devices
Personal - playing games, watching TV, internet banking, home systems
Social - Instant messaging, Social networking, VOIP calls
Retail - Online shopping, recording sales, data modelling, stock checking
organisational use - Producing and sharing documents, video conferencing, managing payments
Creative - editing photos, design, CAD, processing 3D graphics for games
Education and training - Online e-learning, distance learning, Interactive whiteboards
Input devices and example uses
Keyboard - Writing a report, inputting information
Mouse - navigating a user interface
Scanner - Inputting photos for editing
Microphone - talking on VOIP software, voice recording
webcam - video conferencing
Output devices and example uses
Monitor - Viewing and watching movies and user interface
Projector - Same as a monitor
Printer - printing hard copies
Plotter - Drawing vector graphics
Speakers + Headphones - Listening to music
Accessibility devices
Lots of devices are designed with accessibility in mind, here are some examples
Trackball - easier than a mouse for people with struggles with gripping
Touch screen or large keyboard - for people who struggle with keyboards
Eye motion sensors - for people who struggle to move any fine motor
Braille embosser - for hard of seeing to type and print, like a typewriter but braille
Storage device - Hard disk drives
These are magnetic storage devices that are used as a primary storage unit but there are products where it's made external.
Large storage capacity
Low cost per byte
very reliable
Slower than SSD at loading data
External HDD is not as portable
Storage devices - Solid state drives
Commonly used in laptops and tablets
Very fast
Low power consumption
extremely reliable due to no moving parts
Higher cost than HDD
Lower storage capacity
have a finite number of writes
Storage devices - SD Cards
Commonly used in cameras and some smartphones
Very portable
easy to transfer between devices
Very small capacity
Varies enhancements have created compatibility problems
Storage device - Hard disk drives
This is a small flash memory device that connects through a USB port
Compatible with most computer systems through USB ports
Sotrage capacity
Only have a finite number of writes
Because they are small, can be lost easily
Storage device - Optical disk
e.g. DVD, Blu-ray, CD's
Small and portable
A lot of devices can accommodate and back up storage available if needed
Archival stability of writable media can be questionable
Fragile and easy to scratch and damage
Real time operating systems
In these systems, inputs are processed and responded to instantly
Why would you choose real time?
- It provides a fast response
Examples include
- Traffic lights
- Air traffic control systems
- ABS in the car
Single-user single task OS
Only one user can use this at a time and only one program can be run at a time
Why use it?
- It requires fewer resources
- best used for devices with limited processing
- Tamicochie
Factors affecting performance
- Limited CPU speed
- Number of cores
- Limited RAM capacity
- Slow hard-disk
- Viruses
- Worms
- Spyware
Virtual memory factors
The role of the operating system
device drivers for the network interface card
User authentication, antivirus, backup facilities
Memory management
which process to allocate memory, when to un-allocate
Runing more then one program by allocating resources effectively
Device drivers
Command line interface
the user uses the OS by typing commands
experienced users find it quicker to complete tasks
requires far less memory
Requires knowledge of specific commands
learning so many commands can be intimidating for new users
Graphical User Interface (GUI)
Users use a pointer to control the OS
Easy for beginners to use
it doesn't require users to learn commands
requires a lot more processor power and memory
experienced users may become frustrated
Menu based interface
The users interact with a menu, just like Microsoft Bob
Limited options to make, easy to use
can figure out how to perform a task with no instruction
performing tasks can be slow and frustrating
Utility software - Disk utilities
They are designed to maintain the performance of a computers disk drive
File compressors - backing up large files and sharing them online can be difficult so this reduces their size to be decompressed later
Back up - Helps to automate the backup process
Disk defragmenter - this utility recognises data for quicker access
utility software - Network utilities
They are made to maintain good network traffic
Firewalls - firewalls act as a wall to stop malware. this is done by monitoring and blocking suspicious traffic
Antivirus - This detects and removes viruses
File types - Images
Uses lossless compressions. saves high-quality images in small file size. also allows transparencey
small file size and low quality due to only 255 colours. can display basic transparency and animation
compression is lossy. cant be decompressed
File types - Application software file types
commonly used for word processing
represents data independently or the originating software and/or hardware
commonly used for Worksheets
Implications of file types
Some file types only work with certain software
- may need to buy new software
- can't share the file as freely
Different file types display various types of quality
- choice can depend on the intended use
File size
Some can be really large
- may have implications for storing, transmitting or displaying software
Uses of application software
Productivity software
like Word, publisher and excel.
Used in offices to support business tasks and improve efficiency
Grpahics software
used to edit and create original artwork
Communications software
include messaging, email and VOIP
Proprietary software
This code is owned by a company
support is provided by the software creators
more features than open source
may be slow to provide updates
it can be costly
Open source software
the source code is available to read and modify
free to use
the community provides support and fixes
responce for support may not be fast cause relies on the goodwill
may be indirect costs
Choosing software
Ease of use
Implications of emerging technologies
emerging tech needs data, advanced data-hungry tech are putting a strain on the existing infrastructure
there are new ways to analyse data meaning the advent of big data tech and new ways of analysing it
more powerful security through more advanced biometric data
Choosing an IT system
Factors that consider
- User experience and needs
- Specifications, compatibility and connectivity
- Costs
- Efficiency and productivity
- Implementation
- Security
Wired systems
Telephone communications and ethernet network.
Versatile and widely available
cheap compared to other options
Only useful for shorter distances
more susceptible then fibre
Commonly used in TV communications
can work over long distances
limited bandwidth
Factors affecting network choice
- User experience
- User needs
- Specifications
- connectivity
- cost
- efficiency
- compatibility
- implementation
- productivity
- security
this is used together as the basic language of the internet
data sent over the internet is broken into packets
TCP is used to create packets and resemble them at the end
IP is used to route packets to the intended computer using its IP address
Protocols - Email + voice and video calls
this is used to transfer emails between mail servers
is used to retrieve emails from the mail server
it allows messages to our client software
first successful VOIP protocol.
Data transmission issues - Security considerations
Security considerations
User authentication - Usernames and passwords authenticate users who have permission to use a network and prevent unauthorised access by hackers.
Firewalls - These monitor traffic and prevent unauthorised access and dangerous data packets being passed into the system and causing harm
Encryption - info can be intercepted while being transmitted. using encryption ensures intercepted data cant be read.
Data transmittion issues - Bandwidth
This is the rate of data transfer over a network.
latency is the time delay for a data packet to transfer to its destination
bandwidth plays a role in how long files take to download a file
online gaming can be affected by high lag
Features of online services
Uses of cloud storage
Personal use
- Storing file, photos, videos and all things like that
Professional use
- Storing offsite backups to allow for recovery
- Accessing business documents while working off-site
Cloud computing
Personal Use
- Accessing graphics editing software, email and home office software
Personal Use
-Accessung office applications and email without installing anything
Using online systems
If security is a priority then choose and organisations that implement high-security protocols
There are free software like google drive products through they can come with hidden costs
Ease of use
Check the amount of tech support available to users
Sometimes has fewer features than a locally installed version
may be limited in options if the internet is slow or a limited data allowance
Remote working
Online systems allow people working from home to access a network of the organisation they work for.
allows a secure connection to be made to the organisation network over the internet
Remote desktop tech
This can also be used to fix problems on a company computer
Types of Online community
Social media
Chatroom/ Instant messaging
Implications of online communities on individuals
The danger of accounts being hacked
info can be used for fraud
Meeting needs
Allows users to communicate with others
personal info can be accessed by others
Usually free
User experience
Ease of use, accessibility, Performance and availability
Threats to data, information and system
This is software designed to cause harm to an IT system
Exploits a weakness in an IT system to gain unauthorised access
A phishing email pretends to be from a reputable company to get information or money
Accidental damage
A lot of damage can happen through human error
The impact of threats on individuals and organisat
Identity fraud - The stolen bank information can be used for identity fraud
Loss of reputation - a business affected by any of the issues will lose the confidence of customers, who will turn to other businesses that haven't been affected
Loss of income - During the downtime caused by many of these threats, a business will not be able to carry out its normal business practices
Techniques for protecting data
- File permissions and access levels. Ensuring access is restricted to those who need it
- Backup and recovery procedures ensure that data can be recovered following any loss of data
- Passwords limit access by ensuring users keeps a secure password to access system
- Physical access control prevents unauthorised access using locks, biometrics, etc.
- digital certificates allow secure data transfer using public key encryption
- Protocols define data transfer processes to ensure secure transfer
Protecting data: legislation and codes of practice
Data Protection Act of 1998
- Protects the privacy of individuals personal data held by others
Impacts on organisations
- Increased costs
- Limited information can be collected now
- Fines of up to £500000
Impacts on individuals
Personal data collected by others
Moral and ethical issues
The environment
Ever growing demand for electronic devices means increased manufacturing and increased energy needed to run the devices.
These have negative by-products such as greenhouse gases which affect climate change
Unequal access
Not everyone has access to IT systems and the internet
Online Behaviour
The internet is seen as an anonymous place to communicate
Some people feel censorship is a violation to the right of free speech
Moral and ethical issues
Health and safety
Risk of repetitive strain injury
Employers have a moral responsibility to carry out risk assessments and provide a comfortable working environment
Media has become easier to illegally download
Copyright, designs and patents act 1988
This protects peoples original pieces of work
Consumer rights act
Consumers have the right to repair and to refund for faulty applications
Police and Justice Act 2006 (Computer Misuse)
Covers DoS attacks
Computer Misuse act 1990
Data protection act 1998
Why legislate and what are the benefits
Why legislate
- Legislation ensures compliance
- It encourages and builds trust in systems
Who benefits
- Individuals - They can trust the systems they use
- Society - The use of powers is transparent and clear
- Organisations - Their reputation is ensured
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