How successful were the National Government (1931-39) in dealing with social/economic problems The key successes and failures 4.0 / 5 based on 6 ratings ? HistoryModern Britain - 19th century onwardsASOCR Created by: jennaCreated on: 11-05-12 10:56 Government Success Devaluation of the Pound Government devauled the £ by 20% Boosted foreign trade Made British goods affordable Cut interest rates (cheap money) 1932 interest rates cut from 6% (1931) to 2% Aimed to help those in finacial difficulties Encouraged small enterprises/businesses to open Willing to borrow more from banks - repayments less due to interest cut = encouraging people to spend 1 of 4 Government Successes (cont) Cut Backs May Comittee (July 1931) suggested £97million cut back in expenditure £67million cut in employment benefit Ramsay & Snowden agreed, however rest of Cabinet seemed to reject it Snowden suggest 10% cut backs in unemployment benefit - too many people on the dole = strain on Government Government believed less expenditure = less inflitration = British goods sold cheaper 2 of 4 Government less successful/unsucessful Special Areas Act, 1932 £2million availible to poorest areas of the country Aimed to revive industry & create jobs Idea was realistic & could have been a great succes Too small scale to have a real impact on unemployment Protection Chamberlain already introduced Import Duties Bill - 10% Duty on foreign exports coming to Britain National government wanted greater protection Arranged Ottawa Conference Chamberlain, Baldwin hoped British Empire would become self-supporting economic unit Canada & Australia wouldn't accept free-trade & didn't abolish tax on British goods - raised tariffs on non-British goods High hopes for protection but was a false promise 3 of 4 Factors out of Government control that boosted Bri Late 1930s - Housing Boom led to industries such as electricty beginning to prosper well (towns such as Jarrow) Increase in motor vechile industry creating 400,000 jobs Rearment began when Hitler invaded the Rhineland, 1936 4 of 4
How successful were the National Governments of 1931-1939 in dealing with the problems they faced 0.0 / 5
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