How effective was the Govt of Outremer? 1100 - 1186
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- Created by: adelinacrudu
- Created on: 31-05-18 13:40
1100 Baldwin I
1118 Baldwin II
1131 Fulk & Queen Melisende
1143 Queen Melisende
1152 Baldwin III
1163 Amalric
1174 Count Raymond III of Tripoli (regent for B IV)
1176 Baldwin IV
1185 R III (regent to Baldwin V)
1186 Guy & Sybil
1187 Saladin
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- King Bladwin I of Jerusalem - after Godfrey of Bouillon dies in 1100
- installed new count of Edessa and prevented Danishmend Turk capture of Antioch
Strong and Effective reign - consolidated territories of Outremer and established a clear system of overlordship in Jerusalem
- Authority over church: replaced Patriarch of Jerusalem (wanted Bohemond I of Antioch) with his own supporter
- Intervention in Kingdom's affairs: Tripoli succession crisis 1109 - active ruler and tackled issues directly
- Defense: defended against turks (1113 - Galilee attacked by Turks and B forced them to retreat)
- Castles: intensive castle-building programme began with B's reign (Montreal built in 1115)
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- B I dies in 1118-> Eustance of Boulogne still in Europe (had the support of senior nobles in J)
- Baldwin of Bourcq (Count of Edessa) - key supporters (patriarch of J & Count of Tiberias)
- was in Jerusalem so he claimed the throne
REIGN: Able and effective defender
- Antioch left without regent after Battle of the Field of Blood - stepped in until 1126 - 6 trips for political and defensive purposes
- continued territorial expansion to minimize Muslim threat to J
- approx 19 military campaigns - some on Damascus
- Rebellion: B II captured on military campaign 1123 - Nobles try to install Charles of Flanders but he refused
- while securing rule - had to replace key positions with supporters - favoritism started rebellions
- succession: had only daughters - married Melisande with Fulk of Anjou = Baldwin III - prevented Fulk's dynasty from taking power by appointing all co-rulers
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- B II dies 21 April 1131 -> Queen Melisande, King Fulk, Baldwin III
- succession caused conflict between 2 dynasties (Melisande's and Fulk's )
- F appointed members of own family in key positions and didn't allow M to rule - rebellions
- tricky position - forced to give Melisende power
- F died 1143 - M continued as Queen
- 1145 - B III came of age - M not ready to give throne
- 1151 - B asked M to split kingdom but refused
- B III besieged J and exiled her back to Nablus = became king
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- conflict with mother stopped progress in south
- secured position and achieved a lot
- built castle at Gaza - cut vital road link between Egypt and Ascalon (muslim)
- 1153 - conquered Ascalon (key port)
- Crusader states bowed to his primacy: some leaders captured/murdered and the states looked up to BIII to restore stability
- Lords forced to submit to him: some began to ignore his judgments and B confiscated their fiefs
- Ensured a stable succession: brother Almaric (power in Jaffa and Ascalon)
- BIII died in 10th Feb 1163
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BALDWIN IV "leper king"
- Amalric died 11 July 1174
- Left behind a divided govt by factionalism - married twice - Agnes of Courtenay (one faction around her & children) and Maria Comnena (nobles popular with Amalric)
- B IV crowned at 13yrs on 15 July 1174 - Queen Mother Agnes
- Regent Raymond III of Tripoli (Cousin) - set up own power base
- leprosy = can't have children - Sybil had to have a son (Baldwin V)
- 1176 - B IV took control
- S husband died while pregnant - B IV had to find her a new one
- R III concerned that new husband would take away his power - put forward someone he could control and started an invasion of J with Bohemond of Antioch
- B IV prevented this - Sybil married Guy of Lusignan
- Aug 1183 - B IV with troops in Galilee to fights Saladin's invasion
- B IV got ill - Guy as regent but failed to take action as couldn't command the lords - Saladin free to plunder
- Open conflict between factions (headed by Agnes) weakened govt and allowed Saladin to advance
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- Tensions between faction increased
- B V crowned king as B IV was planning his final years
- B IV unrest with Guy
- R III appointed as regent to B V after B IV's death in 1185
- baby B V dies and another succession crisis starts
- Raymond's faction - Isabel and Humphrey as leaders of J OR Agnes' faction - Sybil and Guy
- S & G were first but was asked to divorce Guy to become Queen
- she did but then appointed Guy as king - nobles deceived and angry
- Raymond and faction planned to crown I & H - close to civil war
- war prevented by H who paid homage to Guy
- R III lost power because of H
- another 2 years of infighting that weakened government
- Weakness of Govt - divided nobility, inactive govt, cease in hostilities
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- 1185 - R III made a truce with Saladin - logical as the kingdom was too divided
- 1187 - raid against Muslim caravan = Guy tried to save the truce but Saladin launches an attack on Kerak and Montreal
- 1186 - 87 - R III asked S to help against G (scared G will attack bc RIII didn't pay homage
- in return, allowed a Muslim force of 7000 pass through Galilee to besiege Acre
- this made R a traitor
- same month - Sybil & Guy sent an army to encourage R to restore relationship w them
- they discovered Saladin's army and attacked - acting against R's advice and lost
- Saladin attacked Tiberias (R's town) - situation was desperate
- R advised G to take no action but he didn't listen
- Saladin won Battle of Hattin
- Saladin conquered J
- 3rd crusade started soon after
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