Literary Device = Silioguys. Exploration = Character, Theme, Plot. Silioguy = an act of speaking thoughts aloud when the character is on their own or regardless of any hearers.
Literary Critic, Doran stated "Hamlet without Seneca is inconceivable", as Hamlet is too dependent on the Senecan Structure, which involves the idea of sililoquys. Seneca's plays use hyperbolic language, frequently within long, rhetorical monologues. Shakespeare was influenced by Seneca and utilises the literary device, in mulitple ways to explore the plays main aspects, such as character, theme and plot.
Seneca (4BC - 65AD), The Roman philosopher and poet, had the greatest impact on the development of revenge tragedy using Greek mythology - his reworking of Greek tales was fundamental in defining the genre of Revenge Tragedy. His plays followed a five-part structure, that Shakespeare uses: Act 1 - a ghost appeals for vengeance, Act 2 - the revenger plans revenge, Act 3 - the confrontation of the avenger and victim, Act 4 - vengeance is prevented, Act 5 - revenge is completed.
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