L- Long term bitterness over the Treaty of Versailles
Many people were devastated by the TofV because it crippled the country and left the German Public angry at the Weimar republic for letting the TofV go through. The MPs who signed the TofV were called 'The November Criminals'. This gave hitler the chance to move in and promise to abolish the treaty.
I- Ineffective Constitution
The Weimar Constitution wasn't working. Hindenburg was unpopular and kept having to use his emergency powers(article 48) to pass bills through as the Reichstag would vote against him. This gave Hitler the opportunity to move in and get people on his side, including Hindenburg.
M- Money/ Munich Putsch
Hitler had many wealthy people behind him which enabled him to promote his campaigns on a large scale! The Munich Putsch, although it failed, got a lot of people believing that Hitler could lead the county out of its current climate.
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