Isabella and Ferdinand, the Catholic Monarchs, and Charles I's reign in Spain and in particular Castile and Aragon. Featuring notes about Consolidation of power, importance of religion, problems they faced, creating a unified Spain, the early years of Charles' reign and Charles' successes as a whole. 

  • Created by: Natalie
  • Created on: 16-05-11 09:52

How was Isabella able to consolidate rule in Casti

  • Death of Henry IV provoked Civil War where Joanna and Isabella both claimed a right to the throne in Castile.
  • Isabella was married to Ferdinand who promised her military support if she was ever to get into trouble.
  • Joanna was married to Alfonso of Portugal, who was allegidly her uncle. Alfonso invaded Castile in 1475, however Ferdinand supplied Isabella with military experts and so Alfonso then rejected the duel.
  • Isabella gave birth to a son, providing a clear line of succession.
  • This helped to win over any other noble support that Isabella had to achieve.
  • By September 1974, Alfonso was happy to sign a Treaty giving Isabella rights to Castile.
  • Joanna then lived as a nun until her death in 1530.
  • Hermandad
  • Coregidor
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What was the importance of religion during the rei

  • Some may suggest that this was more of an economical move to create more valuable land, and take rich resources from Granada.
  • However, could have been for Ferdinand, Isabella was very religious.
  • Fear of Islam was very widespread.
  • Land from Granada could be used to create rewards for those nobles who fought for Isabella in the Civil War and to win over the support of those nobles who were still unsure.
  • It was a ten year war, however the monarchs achieved the title of 'The Catholic Monarchs' and also managed to create Spanish Christendom.
  • The monarchs then attemped to perswade Jews and other Muslims to convert to Christianity.
  • However, Ferdinand was a lot more accepting of the Jews than Isabella, as they actually helped his economy in a large way.
  • The practice of their old religions happened in secret and so it was not that successful.
  • Inquisition - helped to expel those who were still practicing their old religion.  
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How successful were Ferdinand and Isabella in deal

  • Re-established Central Government
  • Paripetetic monarchy
  • Royal council structure
  • The Cortes - vote money to the crown, confirm royal legislation, offer advice when asked and express its own greivences.
  • Aragonese Cortes met more regularly.
  • Town administration
  • The nobles - comprimised in the beginning and restoring authority.
  • Royal finances - revenue increased
  • The economy - Castile moved into economic domination in Spain. It created profitable wool and trade.
  • Church reforms
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How what extend was Spain unifed under Ferdinand a

  • Most unified it had ever been
  • Charles took it on as one region
  • Both Ferdinand and Isabella helped to rule Aragon, but Ferdinand had little rule until after Isabella's death.
  • However, both were still extremely independant and a lot was different in each provence.
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How effectivly did Charles deal with the problems

  • Not very well
  • Absent leader
  • Sights set elsewhere - Holy roman emperor
  • Used Spanish wealth - especially Castile
  • Didn't fit role of the King.
  • Germania/Comuneros
  • Foreign Advisors
  • Lost a lot of Spanish wealth
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How successful was Charles in his rule of Spain?

  • No more uprisings after Germania
  • Married a portugease princess
  • Spent more time in Spain before becoming absent
  • Split empire between successes as learnt too big for one person to rule.
  • Spain became heart of empire
  • Still lost a lot of Spanish wealth.
  • Trade, industry and condition of the Crown
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