History- Luther
- Created by: alice
- Created on: 23-04-13 19:40
12Q; The 95 Theses
- 1517
- Against indulgences
- selling salvation
- provoked by: Johann Tetzel
- Dominican Friar
- revenue for Pope Leo X, St Peters Basilica
- The Archbishop of Mainz - simony - in debt to fruggers
- claimed could save the soul of man who violaed mother of christ
- "a penny in the coffer rings, a soul from purgatory springs"
- Theologically opposed NOT POLITICAL
- Prince Frederick banned Tetzel - economic, nationalistic
- M.L personal conscience: "anorexic monk" (Mullett)
- Couldn't sit back while people misled (Randell)
- 1510 visit to rome "thick dust of moral decay" (Mullett)
12Q: why did the Peasants' War break out 1524?
- Misunderstood Luther's message: thought he was talking Social Order
- Taught Sola Fide, "Preisthood of all believers"- clergy not above others but M.L believed in hierachy = no social reformist
- "A christian man is the most free lord of all and subject to none" (M.L on christian liberty 1520)
- Cartoons - "cheap gin" (Scribner)
- Luther wrote acedemically for the North, south different - agricultural
- 12 Articles - demands not theological but social, economical
- Bad harvests in 1523
- peasents are Villian
- used luther
- M.L "freedom" from Rome
- 'Against the Murderous theiving hordes of peasents
- 1525 Battle of Frankenhousen
- no weapons
- All Princes destroyed them - 100,000 dead
Luther nieve
12Q:Why M.L excommunicated?
- Lipzig debate 1519 with Eck - M.L agrees with Hus
- Czech burnt for heresy 1400s
- M.L agreed with anti-papalism and Sola fide
- = HERETIC (takes one to know one)
- however didn't recant 1518 Cardinal Cajetan
- reprentative of the papacy
- ML challenging penance and papal authority
- Made it clear to ML patience was running out, but ML "titanic" (Mullett)
- Challenged Doctrine
- sola fide - no indulgences, priests
- Sola Scriptura - denying papal authority
- had public support
- ideas distributed - cartoons/printing press
- 'priesthood of all believers'
- Lost revenue
- ML burnt Exsurge Domine 1520
- Wrote 3 books that show why they excommunicated him
- "Jubulee of freedom from centuries of catholic enslavement" (Mullett)
Debate on Luther
- Mullett "Titanic"
- got more important as ideas developed
- McCulloch: Lucky to have political support
- There was an atmosphere of tense excitement
- Inevitable
- Randell; man of conscience
- Cameron: "formidable intellect" but one of many
- Pettegree: Important up to 1521, becomes cantankerous
- "he had already made his contribution by this time"
24Q:To what extent did Luther Cause the reformatio
- 1517 95 Theses
- Tell them about it (Tetzel etc)
- Challenged doctine: said Indulgences 'voluntary not obligatory'-suggests Sola Fide
- 1518 Rome finally reacts
- Cardinal Cajetan, doesn't recant
- Lipzig debate with Johann Ek - Agrees with Hus = HERETIC
- Therefore 1520 excommunicated, Luther defient, Burns papal Bull
- 1521 Diet of Worms - protected by Princes - Fred's deal with Max - doesn't recant
- Mullett "titanic", MacCulloch; lucky to be supported by princes
1: Pettegree M.L influencial up to 1521
- Not key - other factors more importantant such as...
- Pettegree "cantankerous"- counterintuitive
- Marburg Colloquy 1529
- Became political = Princes
- Pettegree "cantankerous"- counterintuitive
(2) To what extent did Luther Cause the reformatio
- Princely reformation
- 1526 Diet of Spayer - retracted in 2nd Diet 1529
- Schmaldic League 1531 - rusult of lack of cooperation from Charles
- led by Phillip of Hesse + John Elector of Saxony
- MacCulloch; "Most powerful protestant force in europe","inspired by religious zeal"
- clarity of Lutheranism obteained at Diet of Augsburg 1530
- defeated by Charles Battle of Muhlberg 1547 = Hollow victory = Ref not over
- Charles relient on Princes - Turks + French - No army =1555 Peace of Augsburg
- =SUCCESS gained by princes not Luther
- MacCulloch; Small factor, Luck
- Cameron agrees: Powerful interlect but one of many
- M.L key before 1521 - Pettegree - Already antichlericalism - M.L trigger
- Randell says man of conscience, couldn't sit back and let people be misled
- M.L laid foundation for Princes to build on = put into political action
Q24:How important was printing to the success of L
- Invented 1450 in Mainz
- "printing ended the scrbal corruption" Lotherington - originally R.C had control
- Monks copied out, Printing Press = speed - 300,000 copies of M.L's works 1517-20
- Cartoons for illiterate peasents - Scribner
- Literacy rate increasing- 5X people enroling at uni in 1500 than previous century
- MacCulloch says "atmosphere of tense excitment" causeed by reformation made reading to become a skill worth aquiring
- spread of M.L books = spread of ideas = spread of reformation
1: Princes
- Printing press presented M.L's theology - supported desire for national independance
- 'Address to a Christian man' said Princes should replace Rome
- wanted money and power NOT theological like M.L
- Princes brought M.L's ideas to political action - content of texts gets less important
(2) How important was printing to the success of L
- However printing allowed misinterpretations
- Peasents consumed cartoons like "cheap gin" Scribner = War 1525
- death of 100,000 - MacCulloch "no peasent army proved a longterm match for rained troops"
- M.L. Against the murderous theiving hoardes of peasents
2: Slow response of Pope and HRE - takes a year to send (1518) Cajetan
- M.L used time to gain widespread support - works distributed
- 1521 Worms, if charles killed him = Martyr for cause = too late
- 1520 excommunicated after Lipzig debate 1519
- WROTE - three key books - knew importantance of publishing ideas
- destroyed papal bull -Pope as ineffective as Charles
C: was key- spread M.L's ideas to the masses. but Reformation became political, ideas less important - Pettegree "he had already made his contribution" by 1521- therfore printing became less key. Hymns became more vital - MacCulloch "was not just impact of print but matter of the spoken and sung = Congregational appriciation
24Q:How important were the Princes to sucess of Lu
INTRO: 1517 M.L. 95 Theses
- Appealled to Fred (Electorite of Saxony)
- Provoked by indulgences - Fred already banned them from saxony (sold his own)
- M.L's reasons theologiocal, Fred's economical/political
- Realised they could use M.L to gain independence- free germany from oppressive Rome
- MacCulloch: Luther lucky to have princely support
- If not no safe passage to/from Diet of Worms 1521
- Prince Fred deal with Max/
- after kidnapped by fred - taken to Wartburg to translate bible
- However Pettegree believed M.L.'s importance ceased after 1521
- beyond this point = Princely Reformation
1: Lutheranism success driven by nationalism- appealled to Germans
- Peasents War 1525
- misunderstood - thought social change - 12 articles- crushed with support of ML
24Q:How important were Princes (2)
- 1526 Diet of Speyer
- some chose R.C showing that about political independance not faith
- 1529 Charles revokes decision
- 1531 Shmalkaldic League
- MacCulloch, "most powerful protestant force in europe"
- however, Battle of Muhlburg 1547 defeated but PRINCES STILL HAVE POWER
- need soldiers to fight Turks & France - spanish soldiers gone home
- 1531 Shmalkaldic League
- Lutheranism too well established to be crushed, M.L's teachings embraced and were nolonger dependant on political leaders
- Peace of Augsburg 1555 = VICTORY FOR PRINCES
- mullett says princes would be nothing without "titanic" M.L
- cameron says M.L one of many, reformation inevitable due to other factors
CONCLUSION: Princes allowed M.L's ideas to progress politically - other factors were necessary but without determination of princes the Peace of Augsburg may not have taken place
24Q:success 1521 to 1529 due to weak charles
- 1521 Diet of Worms
- MacC M.L's arrival triumphant prosession like Christ to Jeruselum = SUCCESS
- why weak? -new -young -elected by princes -has to honour Fred's deal with Max
- therfore WEAK = ruled by princes
- However gained successes
- Turks turned away from Viena
- French army of 2800 destroyed Battle of Pavia 1525 - Hapsburg Valois
- Treaty of Canbrai 1529 = Peace
- 1529 Charles feels strong
- can go against Princes - 2nd Diet of Spayer - revokes 'cuis regio eius religio'
- Green "If his position abroad was weak, then his decisions would inevitably favour the German Protestants"
Points of Weakness
1: in Germany
24Q:success 1521 to 1529 due to weak charles
- Foreign - spoke Femish
- Absent - Ferdinand ruled, young
- 1521 Worms let M.L go
- Couldn't kill because had been too slow at responding so M.L Martyr
- Princes are Nationalistic - want power
- 2nd Diet of Spayer causes princely protest (& later Schmalkaldic League 1532)
2: In war
- Kinghts War 1522 - Challenged princely authority
- Iconoclastic Riots 1521-22 & Peasents War 15245
- "crowds went gleefully smaching religous images" MacCulooch
- "Cheap Gin" Scribner
- Princes crushed all threats to hierachy - events that strenghen Princes, weaken Charles
CONCLUSION: weakness of Charles only part of success - M.L was "titanic" Mullett in 1517 - Pope and Charles slow response - Princely reformation, they controlled Charles
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