History- Kenilworth Castle
- Created by: Georgia.e.s
- Created on: 27-09-20 18:42
When and why it was built
When was Kenilworth castle built?
- It was built in the 1120s by Geoffrey de Clinton (the royal chamberlain).
- King Henry i granted land to him to build the castle.
- Built in the Norman period (1120's to the 1170's)
Why was Kenilworth castle built?
- Kenilworth castle was originally built to mitigate against the powers of the Earl of Warwickshire.
- It was also built to protect England from the Welsh Kings up until the conquest of Wales in 1282.
- To defend the country from raids.
The reasons for its location
In between Oxford, Nottingham, Hereford and Shrewsbury.
- allowed them to trade with lots of different people.
On a well connected road system
- allowed access to lots of materials and trade routes
Close to Coventry
- this was one of the largest cloth and textiles supplier
On a natural hill
- harder for enemies to reach and good for overlooking
Good supply of sandstone and water sources nearby
- free building material and water can be used for defence
The Norman period
The Norman period: 1120 to 1174
Purpose: to mitigate against the Earl of Warwick, defense
Why it changed: to strengthen the castle, to add more materials
People involved:
- King Henry i - granted the land and ordered for a castle to be built
- Geoffrey de Clinton- started the build of the castle
Main features of the castle:
- The great tower/ keep
- The artificial mere
- Inner court
- Small chapel
The Norman period
People found at the castle:
- Knights, guards and soldiers- to defend the castle
- Priest- to lead the daily prayers/mass
- Nobles- in charge of the castle
Activites in everyday life:
- Hunting- popular sporting activity for men
- Training soldiers for battle
- Mass and banquets
Attitudes and values:
- Religion- many people were catholic and believed in God
- The feudal system- the norman hierarchy
The Angevin period
The Angevin period: 1174 to 1266
Purpose: Mainly defense, but starting to add more luxury features
Why it changed: to protect people from rebels and attackers
People involved:
- King John- extended and developed the castle further
- Simon de Montford- took over the castle in 1244
Main features:
- Mortimers tower
- Lunn tower
- Stone outer wall
The Angevin period
People found at the castle:
- Knights, guards and soldiers- to protect the castle
- Earls and Barons- visiting the castle
- Rebels- trying the invade the castle on the siege of Kenilworth
Activities in everyday life:
- Making weapons- to deter the rebels away
- Religious services- religion became popular due to the new chapel
Attitudes and values:
- Religion- many people still held catholic beliefs and the new owners of the castle built a chapel fit for services.
The Lancastrian period
The Lancastrian period: 1266 to the 1540's
Purpose: Kenilworth castle has now changed to a royal residence
Why it changed: to show off and become a palace of comfort and luxury
People involved:
- Earls of Lancaster- the main owners of the castle
- John of Gaunt- made many improvements to the castle
Main features:
- Great hall
- Kitchens
- Royal apartments
- Gaunts tower
- Saintlowe tower
The Lancastrian period
People found at the castle:
- Chambermaids- cleaned the castle
- Jesters and musicians- entertained the guests staying at the castle
- Cooks- prepared food for the feasts
- Priests- lead religious services and mass
Activities in everyday life:
- Painting- the renaissance period aspired people to take part in the arts
- Entertainment- the castle was for impressing people
- Feasts- Kenilworth has exotic foods so put on feasts to impress guests
Attitudes and values:
- Weath- money was becoming more of a status symbol
- Religion- religion still played a big part in life
The Elizabethan period
The Elizabethan period: 1547 to 1588
Purpose: to impress the Queen, a luxury castle
Why it changed: to accommodate for Elizabeth i, add comfort and luxury to the castle
People involved:
- Robert Dudley- granted the castle in 1564
- Elizabeth i- the castle was mainly built to impress her
Main features:
- Leicesters building
- Leicesters gatehouse
- Stables
- Gardens
The Elizabethan period
People found at the castle:
- Marshals- looked after the stables and horses
- Blacksmiths- made iron objects for the castle and for the horses
- Spinners and weavers- made clothes for the members of the castle
Activities in everyday life:
- Sports- sports became very popular in this time period
- Music/ theatre- increase in arts due to people like William Shakespeare
- Hunting- Queen Elizabeth I often went out hunting
Attitudes and values:
- Patronage- the Queens method of giving out land and power
- Love- Robert Dudley added features of the castle to win over Elizabeth
- Marriage- many people were getting married
The importance of Kenilworth locally and nationall
Kenilworths importance locally:
- Royal progresses- her visits to the castle in 1566,1568,1572 and 1575 show how her progresses were held in the midlands and how it was an important part of her government.
- Noble power- Kenilworth castle shows the power Robert Dudley held in the midlands, by how impressive and imposing it is over the local landscape.
Kenilworths importance nationally:
- The renaissance age- the castle is an example of the renaissance golden age through the remodeling of the castle and new buildings like Leicesters gatehouse. The pagents and banquets that took place showcased English culture and arts.
- Power of status- the transformation into a luxury palace symbolises how important wealth, status and power were important to the elizabethans.
The typicality of Kenilworth
- Normans- the capacity of the castle made it suitable for defening against Wales
- Angevins- the castle was expanded, in 1203 it was in the ownership of an Earl
- Lancastrians- domestic features were added like a great hall and kitchens
- Elizabethans- mainly used as a judicial centre
- Normans- built after a Norman invasion, shows strength
- Angevins- the castle was modernised and extended and accommodation was built
- Lancastrians- no longer needed for defence when the war ended with Wales
- Elizabethans- turned into a great house, still used for defence
- Angevins- owned by the king who added the keep
- Lancastrians- targeted for raids so used for defence
- Elizabethans- governed by a Northumberland family for 400 years
Main features of the castle
The great tower- one of the first building to be built by Geoffrey de Clinton. Built to defend the castle but was also used for residence and entertainment.
The great hall- built by John of Gaunt to symbolise his regal status. Includes bay windows, fireplaces, tapestries and hall cellars.
The stables- built by Robert Dudley to impress the Queen. Most of the building was made by storm but it was covered in timber bars.
The lunn tower- built by King John. Accuipted with fish-tailed arrow heads which suggests the tower was used for defending the castle.
Leicesters gatehouse- built by Robert Dudley in 1571. Provided a grand entrance into the castle and gave access into the town and for hunting.
Significant dates
1120- the castles was built by Geoffrey de Clinton
1244- Henry 111 granted the castle to Simon de Montford
1266- the siege of Kenilworth was held by the castle for 6 months
1563- Robert Dudley started to turn the castle into an Elizabethan palace
1575- an account was published about the queens famous three week visit to the stay at the castle with the Earl of Leicester.
1611- the castle was given to Prince Henry
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