History- Germany- Economic 0.0 / 5 ? HistoryThe rise of Germany 1871 – 1945A2/A-levelEdexcel Created by: Rachellee246Created on: 30-11-17 21:20 Industry-Kaisserreich-(1850-1890) 1850-1871 1850's industrial revolution Banking system Trade and export expansion New technologies 1873-1890 Economic crisis- depression- peak of expansion 1890-1914 Second industrial revolution New industries Cartelisation and Conglomerates Caprivi treaties Position in Europe 1 of 10 Industry-WWI (1914-1919) Lacked key requirements Scientists Government established agencies 2 of 10 Industry-Weimar (1919-1923) War Debt Trade destroyed Territorial losses Dawes plan Hyperinflation and Rufr invasion by France 1924 Renewal Investment New techniques-assembly lines Efficiency 1929 Great Depression, TAFIE, Nazi's gain support Unemployment increases Starvation and poverty 3 of 10 Industry- Post WWII (1945-1990) Erhard (1948-1962) minister of economics Impressive economic growth Korean war Housing, construction, Cars Cooperation unions and codetermination 1951 3.6 million East Germans to work 1960's growth slowed 4 of 10 Agriculture-Weimar Loss of men and horses Benefitted from Hyperinflation-pay off mortgage No investment in technique and technology for agriculture Taxes 5X than Weimar Subsidies and protectionist policies (Prussian landholders) Supported Nazi's, Osthlife programme failed 5 of 10 Agriculture-Nazis and post war Mythologised- self sufficiency Investments in industry more important 1m left rural Gemany 1933-1938 Post WWI WG ended up with few farms maintained strong political influence 1955 agrarian act Labour decrease while farm size increase, better techniques Importance declines 6 of 10 Government policies-Kaisserreich 1873 economy crash. Reliant on imports 1876 Central Association of Geman industrialists pressure on Bismarck National liberals committed to free trade Bismarck successfully campaignes against NL Short term advancements by protectionist policies Navy 1898-1914 Personal desires Widespread enthusiasm, represent nationalist hopes (not ruled by Prussian Elite) Transvaal conflict Boers 1896 relationship with Britain tested Alfred von Tirpitz Navy League press campaign 1914 navy X2, diplomatic isolation 7 of 10 Government policies-Nazi Purposfully vague on policy Schacht Reichsbank, made investments Mefo Bills Rearmament, disguise programes for commercial Schacht new plan made south east reliant on Germany Four year plan Goering Schacht resigns, too much rearmament and not enough consumer products Self sufficiency Economic policy by 1939 failing 8 of 10 Government policies- Wartime Initial victories made economic burden bareable Hitler's confusing and overlapping governing style Todt minister of Armaments and Munitions Speer replaces Todt Efficiency and production by 1944 increases Goebbles more extreme Only temporary policies, unemployment solved by rearmament. Couldn't go on forever 9 of 10 Government policies- Post war Policies Marshall Aid USSR wants reparations. USA troops remain Benefits to USA for Marshall plan Economy was already beginning to emerge, impact of aid Political impact Division clear Adenauer chancellor Unification with EG hard if WG formed economic organisation. 1951 ECSC Treaty of Rome establish EEC EEC dependant on WG, increased influence Common Agricultural Policy Expensive, overproduction and waste 10 of 10
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