Heatchliff - Wuthering Heights

  • Created by: lydiakay1
  • Created on: 22-03-16 13:39


Heathcliff's appearance is a signifcant point in the novel and is portrayed throughout as it highlights him as being extremely different to anybody else within that society, and once again makes him an outsider.

"as dark almost as if it came from the devil."


"depressed brows and eyes full of black fire."

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"I seek no revenge on you" - although Catherine deserves revenege from Heathcliff, he loves her too much to give it to her.

 "Now, my bonny lad, you are mine! And we'll see if one tree won't grow as crooked as another, with the same wind to twist it!" - Despite saving Haertons life when he was baby, Heathcliff is holding on to what Hindley put him through and wants to do the same to Haerton.

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Heathcliff is prone to violence because that is the way that he has been raised and has learnt from Hindley beating him at such a young age.

He continutes this violence through to his loveless marriage with Isabella -

"Heathcliff seized and thrust Isabella from the room."

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Anamalistic/Supernatural Features

Throughout the novel he is constantly referred to as different animals and supernatural figures


"He ghanshed at me like a mad dog."

"His sharp white teeth."

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He is brought to the Earnshaws by Mr Earnshaw, some may consider that Mr Earnshaw had an affair and Heathcliff was the offspring of it - A04

He is never given a proper name as Heathcliff stands for both his first and surname - lack of identity

When he is brought to the Heights initally he is unwated by everyone except Earnshaw -

"the children refused to have it in the room with them so I put it on the landing hoping it be gone by the morrow."

Never truly wanted or loved by anyone

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"I have a right to kiss her, if she chooses, and you have no right to object." -despite never being married to Catherine, Heathcliff and herself still hold the emotions of being possesive and jealous of one and others lovers.

"I want you to be aware that I know you have treated me infernally." -Heathcliff does recognise how badly Catherine has mistreated and tortuned him, but the amount of love he has for cannot overcome what she has done to him.

"She abandoned [her home] under a delusion," he answered, "picturing in me a hero of romance" -Heathcliff is no saint, he realises what he has done to Isabella and happily breaks her heart and brings her into a loveless domestic marriage.

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