Routine Choices
- Approach-Approach: choice between two desirable outcomes; short term v long term reward, e.g. spending money now or saving it for the future
- Approach-Avoidance: only one outcome is desirable, e.g. wanting to visit a friend but being scared of their dog
- Avoidance-Avoidance: both outcomes are undesirable, e.g. either having root canal or tooth extraction at the dentist
Cognitive Appraisal - Lazarus
- Stage 1: a threat is evaluated; if evalutions of a threat are perceived as real then...
- Stage 2: determination if sufficient resources available to cope with stress (individual differences)
- High hardiness = control over stressors; results in less illness caused by long-term stress
- Perceived control - situations that allow for some form of control = fewer signs of stress
Social Support
- Can be helpful for stress - give advice, encouragement and incentives
- Brown - mixed evidence: receiving social support = increased mortality; giving social support = decreased mortality
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