God as Creator 1.5 / 5 based on 3 ratings ? Religious StudiesPhilosophyASOCR Created by: Esther MillsCreated on: 21-04-13 10:08 1. GOD AS THE CREATOR 1 of 8 2. Created out of nothing (ex nihilo) Created by the word of God Creation is distinct from God but dependent on God Special creation of human beings Creation was very GOOD Creation is PURPOSEFUL 2 of 8 3. THE NATURE OF GOD 3 of 8 4. God's authority God as craftsmen God as involved with his creation God as omnipotent God as omniscient God as omnipresent God as omnibenevolent 4 of 8 5. GOD AS MORAL AGENT 5 of 8 6. God's goodness God as the one who is morally perfect God as the source of human ethics 6 of 8 7. GOD AS JUDGE 7 of 8 8. God as Law Giver God as Judge 8 of 8
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