Germany 1918-1930s
Rise of the Nazi Party after World War I
- Created by: Charlotte
- Created on: 25-05-08 14:59
Why Did the Nazi Party Form?
> Both left and right nationalist groups flourished in Munich post WWI
> Hitler came into contact with the DAP (founded Anton Drexler, 1919) - poorly supported, enrolled in September
> Organised the Party's first public meeting October, February 1920 attracted 2000
> 25 Point Programme - anti Versailles, anti semitic, anti capitalist, changed name to NSDAP (Nationalist Social German Workers Party)
> May 1920 Hitler left army to focus on politics, became Fuhrer 1921 (established leadership principles), had his own newspaper, designed swastika, SA founded
> Role of SA to break up meetings held by rivals, made up of ex soldiers, ex Freikorps
Impact of Weimar Constitution & Treaty of Versaill
~ Weimar had been weakened by proportional representation - made it hard for one Party to gain necessary overall majority to implement their own programme
~ Through Article 48, the President had the power to suspend civil liberties in emergency
~ Treaty signed under Ebert 1918
~ Stab in the Back Theory 'Dolchstosstheorie' - military blamed traitors at home
~ Accused pacifists, communists, socialists of disloyalty for organising strikes etc
~ Theory absolved army of disgrace of defeat, gained national acceptance
~ Germany had to accept responsibility for starting the war, pay £6.6 million, give territory to Poland
Ruhr Crisis
>Severe economic crisis after WWI, inflation rose until hyperinflation 1922
> Late 1922 Germany couldn't pay reparations, French PM took Ruhr
> Germans striked - more money had to be printed to cope with this
> Mittelstand (middle class), elderly, ex soldiers suffered due to savings being lost
> Resolved by Stresemann's policies - called off passive resistance in the Ruhr, introduced new currency, restarted repayments, French + Begians left the Ruhr 1925
> In the future, Hitler accused Weimar + reparations as the causes of hyper inflation and consequent misery suffered by Germans
Munich/Beer Hall Putsch 1923
> After turmoil of Ruhr crisis and Mussolini's inspiration, Hitler tried to seize power
> Many felt Stresemann's continuing reparations payment was humiliating
> Interrupted a meeting held by von Kahr + von Lossow, forced them into a room to make them support a march on Berlin with the aim of overthrowing the government
> Hitler (with Ludendorff's support) did the march without vons Kahr + Lossow
> 3000 marchers blocked by police, violence broke out, 19 killed
> Hitler arrested days later, sentenced to 5 years, served9 months
Why did it fail?
= Hitler's delay - Stresemann's policies taking effect, the worst had already passed
= Hitlermade intentions clear - stormed the Beer Hall, Bavarian leaders escaped
= Little sympathy for Party- seen as a lunatic fringe group
NSDAP after Beer Hall Putsch
> Despite failure, it was important in long term success
> Judge at Hitler's trial allowed him to make a lengthy speech attacking the gov't, attracting right wing sympathy. Became a national figure
> Hitler emerged from trial with enhanced reputation as right wing leader
> 6.5% vote 1924 election, Hitler started Mein Kampf whilst imprisoned
> Realised quickest route to power would be cooperation with Weimar regime
> Party struggled and became divided during Hitler's short imprisonment
What Problems Did Hitler Face After Prison?
> Divisions between those favouring nationalist policies in Mein Kampf and Otto + Gregor Strasser's more radical, anti capitalist, less anti semitic views
> Divisions between right wing 'nationalist' + left wing 'socialist' elements settled at Night of the Long Knives 1934
> Electoral support 3% December 1924
> Membership decline during 1924 - Weimar facing possible prosperity
> Party officially reformed 1925 but divisions prevented further development
Development of Issues
~ Nationalism - Nazis subscribed to the Stab in the Back Theory
~ German resentment lessened over these issues due to Stresemann's concessions from the allies
~ 1929 NSDAP targeted issues through propaganda, focal point for campaigning
~ Reinforced by Nazi Anti Young Plan involvement, increased their credibility as a potential right wing opposition party
~ (Plan effectively reduced German reparations but opposition wanted the 'Liberty Law' to renounce German acknowledgement of war guilt and other Treaty terms)
~ Nazis capitalised on anti Versailles + anti nationalist sentiments of many Germans through volksgemeinschaft (national community)
~ Implemented through various Nazi organisations, offered food + aid to the unemployed etc
Economic Problems
= Nazis recalledhyperinflation crisis 1920s + Weimar's struggle with the problems
= Linked with the Wall Street Crash, Nazi propaganda exploitation
= NSDAP specific targets to gain support - Schleswig-Holstein, KPD + Jews scapegoats
= Village meetings reinforced messages of posters etc, NSDAP success there 1929
= Nazi promises to different groups contradictory, ideals to fit supporters' needs
= Hitler manipulated underlying Communist fear, NSDAP the alternative
= SA + ** resisted Communism better than other right wing parties
= Anti semitism played little importance in the Nazi message
How Did the Nazis Use Propaganda?
^ Propaganda run by Joseph Goebbels, power enhanced 1933 Ministry for Public Enlightenment and Propaganda established
^ Took over media, opposition views suppressed, important in power consolidation
^ Engaged in local + national propaganda designed to promote support, rallies etc
^ Used trained speakers to visit all areas of Germany, door to door campaigning
^ Radio broadcasts, symbols to enhance emotional committment, clear posters etc
^ Aided by Hugenberg after Young Plan, access to his media empire
^ Hitler made effective use of technology- cars, planes,loudspeakersetc
^ Nazis achieved some electoral success in areas where they had campaigned and areas where they hadn't
Hitler's Personality
> Hypnotic power at meetings, seemed to understand concerns most directly affecting Germans, offered clear solutions to their problems
> Hadn't been tainted by Weimar political involvement, distanced from mistakes
> Could present himself as a new type of politicianfrom the people, not the elite
> Had been imprisoned for his cause, showed loyalty
> Appealed to the masses, clear propaganda
> Promises of a better life appeared to have strong foundations
> Played on nationalist sentiments
Violence and Intimidation
- 1930 SA reorganised under Ernst Rohm, offered food, shelter, uniform + purpose to young unemployed men
- Numbers increased to 500,000, used to distribute propaganda, protected Nazi speakers at meetings, assaulted Nazi opposition (particularly KPD + SPD)
- Created an impression of discipline and organisation despite initiating violence
Nazi Support
= Successul in rural areas due to significant SPD + KPD support in industrial areas
= Support in protestant areas; Hitler a messianic figure, clashed with the Pope as Catholics supported the Centre Party
= Northern German, middle class, young + first time voters support
= Their support shows appeal to voters unaffiliated with a particular Party
Nazi Opposition
> Limited 1930-33; NSDAP not seen as a threat, conservative elites believed they should be controlled + manipulated
> KPD + SPD opposed the Nazis, particularly the KPD in street fighting and other violence in the latter stages of the Weimar Republic
> By the end of Weimar, the KPD felt the end of Capitalism was coming and didn't want to hinder their position
> The Kapp Putsch of 1920 + similar strategies had been proven useless
Anti Young Plan Campaign
- NSDAP's fortune improved after 1929 as Weimar's instability undermined by events beyond its control
- Early 1929, revisions being made under the Young Plan released, revealed reparations would be paid 59 years into the future
-July 1929 DNVP + NSDAP campaigned for a referendum onthe Plan's acceptance, DNVP under media giant Hugenberg
- Campaign successfully got referendum but few nationalists sided with them
Why Was it Important For Hitler?
> NSDAP on the national scene, Hitler brought forward-leading nationalist politician
> Access to Hugenberg empire, contacts with financiers of the nationalist cause
> Seemed respectable members of National Alliance, broke with it after campaign
> Translated into electoral success - NSDAP made gains in provincial elections 1929
Wall Street Crash
~ US stopped loans, demanded repayments, introduced tariffs to protect industry
~ 3million unemployed 1930, double 1932, reduced hours, benefits cut
~ Unemployment made workers feel helpless, they turned to Communism
~ Growth in Communist support exacerbated mittelstand + elitefears of an uprising
~ Lower middle class economically threatened; undercut by large businesses whilst labour tried to extract huge wage increases
How Did the Nazis Take Advantage of the Depression?
= Hitler successfully exploited anxieties of the mittelstand regarding communist threat and financial insecurity. Provided people with solutions + scapegoats
= Such factors enabled the NSDAP to gain 18% vote 1930 - second largest party
= Electoral success increased Party support - 400,000 1930
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