German German 3.5 / 5 based on 4 ratings ? GermanTravel and tourismGCSEAll boards Created by: Benjamin FerdinandCreated on: 02-05-11 11:08 German Flughafen 1 of 20 Airport 2 of 20 Schmutz 3 of 20 Dirt 4 of 20 Teuer 5 of 20 Expensive 6 of 20 Freundlich 7 of 20 Friendly 8 of 20 Papagei 9 of 20 Parrot 10 of 20 Offnet 11 of 20 Opened 12 of 20 Besonders 13 of 20 Particularly 14 of 20 Nachdem 15 of 20 After 16 of 20 Jeweilige 17 of 20 Respective 18 of 20 Ausland 19 of 20 Abroad 20 of 20