Geography GCSE AQA My casestudies 3.5 / 5 based on 4 ratings ? GeographyGCSEAll boards Created by: Rebecca FletcherCreated on: 11-04-11 16:20 Facts June 25th 1997 (small eruptions started in Jully 1995) 4.5 mllion m of rock and gas released 19 killed Destructive plate margin Alantic plate subducted under the Caribbean Primary impacts large areas covered with volcanic material - Plymouth buried under 12m of mud and ash 20 villages destroyed 2/3 of homes destroyed schools, hospitals airports and the port - destroyed 19 people died vegetation and farmland destroyed Immediate responses People evacuated - safe areas shelters built Temporary infinistructure -roads and electricity supplies UK provided 17million of emergency aid Local emergency services provided support- search & rescue Secondary Impacts Fires destroyed many buildings - Governmentoffices , police headquarters , petrol station Tourists stayed away - distributing the economy Population decline Volcanic ash improved soil fertility Tourism Increase - see volcano Long term responses Risk map and an exclusion zone is in place South of Island is off limits wile the volcano is still active UK provided £41 million - new docks airports and houses Montserrat Volcano Observatory has been set up to try and predict furture eruptions 1 of 1
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