The process of urban growth. An increase in the proportion and number of people living in urban areas.
A city of over 10 million people
Urban Sprawl
The outward growth of urban areas.
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Rural to Urban Migration
The movement of people form the countryside to towns or cities
Outlying districts of a town or city often dominated by housing
Often called shanty towns in developing countries. There are different names for shanty towns around the world includingfavelasin Brazil,barriadasin Peru andbusteesin India
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Squatter settlements
Where people have no legal rights over the land on which they live.
Where people take responsibility for improving their own living conditions.
Self help schemes
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Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO)
An organisation that is independent of government control, usually charitable organisations such asWateraid, Oxfam, Save the Children
Sattelite Town/New Town
A new settlement built away from the larger city, designed to provide new housing, services and jobs for people from the city.
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