

China OCP

Under the rule of Chairman Mao people were incouraged to have larger families - as it was their patritioc duty. 

By the 1970s this policy made the population boom. 

Population Growth Problems

  1. China was trying to feed 1/5 of the worlds population. 
  2. Social - overcrowding, slum development, epidemics + a decline in social services (health, education + law).
  3. Economic - falling standards of living.
  4. Strains on the ecosystem - overusing farmland, waste disposal problems, and deforestation.

The one child policy was an emergency meausre and was only sopposed to last for one generation.

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China OCP

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China OCP

Average family size 

1982 - 4.41

2000 - 3.44

2005 - 3.13


1. Little emporer/empress syndrome 

Spoilt overweight children because they are only children. 

2. Development of an uneven ratio of men to women. 117 men for every 100 women. So men can't find women to marry.

3. Female infanticide rate has risen, as has the number of abandoned girls.

4. More old people - they will need more pensions from the government (expensive), OAP care homes will be needed to look after the large amount of old people. OAPs tend to need the most healthcare - expensive. 

22% of people is Shanghai are over 60!

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China OCP

It has led to many instances of human rights abuses. Including forved abortions and sterilizations.

The 4 2 1 problem

Single child adults are having to look after 2 parents, and 4 grandparents. 

5. By 2050 China may not hae enough workers due to their being more elderly people than children. There will not be enough workers to keep the economy going and support the non workers. 

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