GCSE History Modern- Britain 1931-1951

GCSE Unit 3 Britain information

  • Created by: Elizabeth
  • Created on: 22-11-11 16:48

The Depression in Britain

In the early 1930s unemployment was high, but by the second half of the 1930s wasn't as bad.

To solve unemployment- house prices were lowered in the South to encourage people to move.

80% of all new factories were built in or near london between 1932 and 1937.

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4 million houses were built in the 1930s.

Benefits were set up in the 1930s, for a single person it was 85p a week.

The means test was a way of testing what amount a family should receive on the dole. If you had  another source of income or valuables the amount was lowered and you were forced to sell your possessions.

The impact:

  • Parents had it harder.
  • People couldn't enjoy life.
  • Children were made to get jobs.
  • It humliated people.
  • People had to sell valuables and things of sentimental value.
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Special Area Act

Special Areas Act 1934 

2 commisioners had a budget of £2 million to make industries and jobs up in the north.

1937- Special Areas Act

more tax cuts and low rent to businesses that moved north.

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