GCSE edexel physical education
principles of training
types of training
weight related conditions
optmum weight
exercise sessions
fitness tests
types of training
macro and micro nutrients
- Created by: Lydia
- Created on: 03-04-11 13:15
Dr Abc-injuries
Danger-check if there is any danger to yourself
Response-speak to them , do they respond?
Airways-check their airways
Breathing-are they breathing?
Chest Compression-is their chest compressing?
Rest-rest the injury
Ice-apply ice to the injury to prevent further swelling
Compression-apply pressure to the injury to prevent further swelling,to prevent further blood loss or prevent broken bones,sprains ect becoming out of place
Elavation-elavate to prevent further blood loss and swelling
FITT-principle of training
Frequency-How often
Intensity-How hard
Time-How long
Types of training
Fartlek-exercising on constant changing ground
inteval-training with rests inbetween each session
continuous-training without stopping
cross-taking part in anothers sports activity to improve performance in your own
weight-weight lifting to improve muscular strength
Circuit- Circuit of different exercises/ activiies
principles of training
FITT-frenquency, intensity , time , type
Individual needs-matching training programmes to individual requirements
rest-rest to prevent ingury
recovery-recvovery time is needed to repair damage to the body
Progessive overload-gradually increasing amount of training so individual gets fitter without injury
Revesibility-when an individual stops training any adaptation is lost
Specificity-matching training programme to sports requirements
Skill Related fitness
Agility-changes of direction and speed
Balance-still or dynamic movement
coordination-Coordinating at least two body parts at once
power-movement of impact
reaction time-reaction to stimulus
speed-used in all sport
Health Related fitness
Cardiovascular fitness-the abitity to exercise the body over a long period of time
Muscular Strength-the amount of force a muscle can exert against a resistance
Muscular Endurance-Abitlity to use voluntary muscles many times without tireing
Flexibilty-The range of movement possible at a joint
Body Compostion-The percent of body weight that is fat , muscle and bone
Influences on taking part in sport
People-Getting to know new people , make new freinds
Image-improving how someone looks , reducing fat , increasing muscle
Culture-getting to know the culture of an area
Resources-have the approprate resourcess
Health and wellbeing-Improve their health, reducing amount of fat in the body
Socio-economic-improve their social well being, learn to comunicate with people better
benefits in taking part in sport
Physical-good physical heath/physicakl challenge/increase fitness/improve performance
Social-mix with others/make new friends/meet old or current friends/develop teamwork and cooperation/work with others
Mental-prevent and relieve stress and tension/mental challenge/increase confidence and self esteem/help individual feel good/contribute to enjoyment of life/aesthetic appreciation.
A questionaire designed to asess your current state of fitness or fitness levels ( preventing injury or complications)
typical questions include:
Do you have a high blood pressure
Do you smoke
Do you have diabetes
Health related fitness tests
Cardiovascular--Cooper run
Muscular strength--Hand grip test
Flexibilty--Sit and reach
Skill related fitness tests
Agility--llinois agility run
Balance--stork and stand
Power--sergeant jump or standing broad jump
Reaction time--ruler drop test
Speed--30m sprint
Coordination--3 ball juggle
Smart targets
T--time bound
The exercise session
The warm up:
Split into 3 phases
1.pulse raising 2.stretching 3.specific skill related practice
The main activity
The cool down:
Split into 3 phases
1.pulse dropper 2. stretching ( disperses lactic acid) 3.relaxation
Anaerobic or aaerobic?
Anaerobic---> Respiring with no oxygen , or very little this occurs in short bursts of exercise.The heart cannot supply the muscles wth sufficient oxygen or blood that the cells require, lactic acid builds up.
Aerobic --->respiration with oxygen, the heart can supply the muscles with blood and oxygen as fasts as the cells need it. This is used in steady moderated exercise.
Endomorph- short figure with narrow shoulders and broad hips, pear shaped with a low centre of gravity.They carry lots of extra fat so are not very mobile.
Ectomorph- Low body weight , tall and thin and have a high centre of gravity, good at endurance activities. Narrow hips and shoulders with low body fat.
Mesomorph- Broad shoulders and narrow hips, lots of muscle, good at activities that require strength and power
Factors affecting optimum weight
Gender- typically males have a higher optimum weight than females because they have a higher ratio of muscle
Height- If a person is tall they are more likely to weigh more than a short person
Bone structure-A person with a small frame is typically lighter than a person with a large frame because bone is heavy
Muscle girth- People with a higher muscle ratio will weigh more because muscle is very heavy.
Weight related conditions
Anorexia-prolonged eating dosorder through loss of appetite
Obese-Term to describe people who are very over fat.
Over fat- Having exess body fat
Over weight-Weighing more than the average
Under weight-weighing less than the average
macro nutrients
Carbohydrates and fat - provide the body with energy
Protein- builds and repairs muscle
simple sugars: biscuits, cakes, chocolate, fruit ,vegetables
complex starch:( found in natural foods) brown rice, wholemeal bread , potatoes , pasta bananas
Micro nutrients
Vitamins- (found in:dairy products, begtables, meat , cereals, nuts , fruit and vegtable oil) help vision , skin , bones , teeth and healing capability (immune system)
calcium: Vital for formation of bones and teeth, helps bones become stronger, helps increase density of bone; which decreases with age
Iron:Involved in the formation of red blood cells and improves the holding cpability of haemoglobin and oxygen of the blood.
water:Holds oxygen helps osimosis on the body , helps flush toxins from the body , keeps the body hydrated , prevents cells becoming flaccid- keeps them turgid.
Fibre-Prevents constipation, reduces blood cholesteral levels