GCSE Geography Tourism


Mass Tourism Case Study: Benidorm

Mass Tourism:- Mass Tourism is a form of tourism that involves tens of thousands of people going to the same resort, often at the same time of year. It is mostly sold as a package deal.

Advantages and Disadvantages:

  • $50 million to Spain                    - Wildlife Destroyed
  • Better Jobs                                 - No Fishermen
  • Cleaner Sea Water                      - Agricultural Land Lost
  • Cleaner Beaches                        - Sea/Visual Pollution
  • Blue Flag                                    - Sewage Untreated
  • Facilities for Locals                    - Deoxygenation

Problems and Solutions:

  • Overstretched hospital             - First Aid on beach
  • Lager Lout                                - More Hospitals
  • Over-crowding                         - More Police
  • Poor Image                              - Bins
  • Lost Culture                             - Multi-Cultural bays
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Coastal Tourism Case Study: Blackpool

Coastal Tourism:- Coastal Tourism is a form of tourism that involves hundreds of people going to the coast often around summer time. It is often sold as a all-inclusive or self-catering style deals.

Features and Attractions:

  • Illuminations
  • Blackpool Tower
  • Pier
  • Donkeys
  • Pleasure Beach


  • Cheaper Holidays Abroad
  • Rubbish Weather
  • Employment is Seasonal
  • Winter runs down
  • Drunkards
  • Put's Families off
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Extreme Tourism Case Study: Antarctica

Extreme Tourism: Travelling to extreme environments, such as Antarctica, are extremely remote and unspoiled; no humans. Also, it appeals to adventurous people due to the extremem environment.


  • Something totally different, new experience
  • keen to have a really adventurous holiday
  • Wildlife that can't be seen anywhere else
  • keen to visit an environment that may change or dissappear


  • The Krill are dying and they are the base of the food chain
  • Oil Spills from boats
  • The ships are getting bigger
  • Noise from the planes
  • Air pollution and air ***** from planes etc.
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Ecotourism Case Study: Kenya

Ecotourism: Ecotourism is responsible for travel to fragile, pristine and usually protected areas that strive to be low impact and often small scale.


  • Safari - Big 5
  • Beach Holidays - Mombasa - White Sand
  • Massai Tribe
  • Mount Kilimanjaro
  • Mount Kenya


In Kenya, tourism has developed without damaging the environment by supporting the planting of an estimated 25,00 trees since 200 near the Base Camp Massai Mara. This has helped the environment but still benefited from a tourism industry. 

Tourism provides 21% of Foreign Exchange and contributes 15% of GNP however only 15% of the money earned goes to the locals and Some Massai tribes were forced off their land to create National Parks. Plus, Safari vehicles destroy vegetation.

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