GCSE Geography Resource management
- Created by: mindypops
- Created on: 28-01-18 20:50
Resource management abroad: Food
~A severely food inscure family would have adults and the children going hungry. it has a lack of nutrients which means a lack of variety and means they become malnourished
~In most HIC's such as Australia, the USA and the UK, under 5% the population is food insecure.
~In NEE's like Brazil, 5%-9% the population are hungry
~NEE's like India, Pakistan and Bolivia have 20-34% food insecurity
~LIC's in most of Central Africa like Niger, Chad and Ethiopia have around 35%+ food insecurity
~Headaches: 2-3x more likely ~Anemia: 3x more likely ~Poor health: 2x more likely
~Upper respiratory infection: 2x more likely ~Stomach aches: 3x (age 4-5), 2x (age 6-16)
Resource management abroad: Food
PQ. Explain why there's increasing food insecurity. (6 marks)
~Rapid population increase in LIC's and NEE's
~Food prices increasing
~Urbanisation in the HIC's & NEE's has lead to less agricultural output in those countries
~Climate change: Too hot and dry for crops
~Varied, unseasonal diet
~More, cheaper meat- grain needed for animals
Resource management abroad: Food: How can we incre
~Watering crops
~20% the worlds farms are irriagted
~produces 40% the worlds food
~more than 2x yeild than rainfed
~'one of the most subsidised activities in the world'
~driven the increase in global food production____________________________________
~waterlogging and salinisation affect 30% irriagted land so far
~protists gather around standing water
~silt builds up around dams: drainage problems
Resource management abroad: Food: How can we incre
~Farming of animals and plants in seas and rivers
~'Aquaculture'- long time in China and Asia; freshwater fish grown and cared for in ponds for years
~has globalised recently, but can be expensive
~prevents overfishing
~gives a steady supply of fish that can be encouraged to grow more in certain conditions
~chemicals (e.g. antibiotics) can contaminate water
~less health benefits due to hormone injections
~fish can escape and compete with native fish in their new habitats and spread disease to them.
Resource management abroad: Food: How can we incre
~UK: 7 mill tonnes of food and drink from homes- mainly still edible
~£12.5 bn p.a. and is bad for the environment
~worldwide= 1/3 all produced food (around 1.3 bn tonnes) is lost or wasted.
~ if ^ was available to fod insecure countries, we'd all have enough to eat
~takes careful prep and planning
~ hard to plan shops
~composting takes time
~not a lot of people know how to/ will learn/ understand how
Resource management abroad: Food: How can we incre
~Replace soil with another ~needs no material
material (sand, pebbles, carpet) ~misted with nutrient water instead
~material holds & moves water ~grow vertically (space saver)
~plants get nutrients through the water
~Requires time, commitment, money and knowledge
~water and electric risk
~disease and pests spread quickly:regular cleaning is needed to prevent contamination
~complex systems
Resource management abroad: Food: How can we incre
~In NEE's 50% people live in cities
~urban & peri-urban farms =200 million farmers for 700 mill people's food
~urban plot's can produce more food than the same on a farm, and some plots are gov. protcted
~important food that isnt usually in low income diets
~lack of cheap space- seen as inefficient property use
~risk: pollution from chemicals
~water waste- expensive, polluting equipment
Resource management abroad: Food: How can we incre
~Works from the bottom up- farmers have a better say than 'outside' experts
~locals, struggling to grow, know their own needs better- suggest better solutions
~definition changes per situation; no tractors in areas with expensive fuel etc
~many people agree with it
~doesn't always work as planned
~not universal
~follow up issues e.g. battery disposal, not though of
Resource management abroad: Food: How can we incre
~Eating 'in season'- import less. out of season = imported
~The countries food comes from have less space to grow their food (but less money from no sale)
~ food miles= distance food travels from farm to fork
~seasonal produce has lower food miles
~High cost, low range (area/region depends on produce)
~extra waste
~inconvenient for many
~not 100% cosistent
Resource management abroad: Food: How can we incre
~G-Mod plants and animals to certain characteristics (tough tomato skins for easy transport)
~selective breeding (e.g cows with high milk and short breeding time)
~ some people think GM is good for food supplies
~some worry GM will contaminate non-GM crops or have side effects
~susceptible to disease (banana breeding)
~makes land unsuitable for re-use due to potential cross contamination
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