Further development in the Nazi control of Germany after 1933 0.0 / 5 ? HistoryThe rise of Germany 1871 – 1945A2/A-levelWJEC Created by: ktommoCreated on: 14-03-18 18:16 The Election of 1933 To change the Weimar Constitution a two-thirds majority in the Reichstag was essential. To gain Reichstag support Hitler called a general election for March 1933. During the election campaign Hitler focused on the very serious danger to the republic of a communist uprising. On the 27th February the Reichstag in Beriln was gutted by fire. A young Dutch communist, Marinus van der Lubbe, was caught in the burning building and admitted responsibility. The Nazis exploited real fears of a communist-led uprising to justify a clampdown on the left. In the face of what the Nazis claimed was a Communist uprising, Hitler persuaded the President to declare a state of emergency. Even with the help of the emergency laws the Nazis failed to win 50% of the popular vote. Although he had support of the Nationalists, Hitler needed the support of two-thirds of the Reichstg to introduce the changes he had in mind. 1 of 1
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