Film Studies - Section A

Section A 


Film Studies - Todorov's Theory (Section A)

1) A state of equilibrium (all is as it should be)

2) A disruption of that order (by an event)

3) A recognition that this change has occured

4) An attempt to repair the damage (of the disruption)

5) A return of restoration of the NEW equilibrium 

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Film Studies - Terminology etc (Section A)

High Concept film - A high concept film is a film where the title is often self explanitory; they are often big budget blockbuster films. E.g: Jaws, Snakes on a plane,etc.

Vertical Integration - Vertical Integration - A huge film company who is in control of Production, Distribution and Exhibition. This obviously increases a films profits.

Audience information gathering agencies - Cinema and Video Industry Audience Research (CAVIAR) and Broadcasters' Audience Research Board (BARB)

Role of film distributor - The distributor is in charge of sorting out advertisement, star interviews, and getting the film exhibited. They also decide on the amount of prints (both for cinema and DVD) that should be made. 

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Film Studies - Terminology etc (Section A)

Cottage Industry - The cottage industry is an industry with small time producers making low budget films without a big studio backing them.

Synergy - Synergy is where two companies work together to make a film better/greater by doing so. (EA - Harry Potter games)

Oligopoly - When a market is dominated by a few large companies.

Wide release - A film being released nationally; this is the pattern used mainly by big companies as they can afford to, etc.

Territorial release - Using a certain place and heavily booking, advertising etc in this place before moving onto another. 

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Film Studies - Terminology continued (Section A)

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