Fight Club Critical Debates A series of quotes from critics about Fight Club. 1.5 / 5 based on 2 ratings ? Film StudiesA2/A-levelWJEC Created by: CharmaineCreated on: 20-06-12 14:47 Chandler and Tallon One's genuine identity can be discovered through status and the accumulation of material possessions. 1 of 11 Edward Norton (protagonist) An end of the century protest. A serious film made by deeply unserious people. 2 of 11 Alexander Walker Not only anti-capitalism but anti-society ... anti-God ... an admissible assault on personal decency. 3 of 11 Ken Mcleod It'll probably make kids want to go out there and try to copy it. 4 of 11 Peter Koegh Style over content. Dank grotesquery signifying nothing. 5 of 11 Giroux There's something more than a little ludicrous about sitting in a theatre while Brad Pitt preaches to you about the emptiness of materialism. 6 of 11 Art Linson (producer) Flopping around like acid-crazed carp wondering how such a thing could even have happened. 7 of 11 Kavadlo They think it's ridiculous because it's meant to be ridiculous. The credits roll and more astute viewers experience the shock of recognition that Fight Club turned out to be ... an uplifting movie. 8 of 11 David Fincher (Director) Women maybe get the humour faster. 9 of 11 Heather Fireman The two protagonists represent two opposing depictions of masculine identity He doesn't even have access to half his identity. 10 of 11 Ebert The shackles of modern life imprison and emasculate men. Macho ****. 11 of 11
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