Farrington - Distrupted Families Cards for the study by Farrington of factors why people turn to Crime. 2.0 / 5 based on 1 rating ? PsychologyCrininological and Forensic PsychologyA2/A-levelAll boards Created by: Sophie WilsonCreated on: 18-09-11 16:43 KEY FACTS Sample - 411 Male age - 8-9 yr olds White Middle Class LONGITUDINAL STUDY DATA - Criminal Records Self Report / Interviews STUDYING - what risk factors induce crime later in life? 1 of 4 AIMS What factors increase the chance of committing crime ? Particular interest if family life has an input on the influence of crime? Does upbringing have a negative influence to increase crime rate? USEFUL ? - find out RISK FACTORS ... Can these be PREVENTED? CONTEXT - 1953/4 - TIME PERIOD- 48 years on. East London base (cannot be argued this is rough area with high crime rate anyway?) 2 of 4 RESULTS 411 > 394 participants left after 48 years on ! 161/404 = criminal convicts 93% admitted in Self Reports that they had committed a crime in life. RISK FACTORS : DISRUPTED FAMILY - unstable upbringing ALCOHOL / SUBSTANCE ABUSE - no clear mind PARENTAL INSTABILITY - no positive, consistent role model LARGE FAMILY - attention seeking POVERTY - poor / little education ALL = HIGHER CHANCE OF CRIMINAL BEHAVIOUR 3 of 4 PRO'S & CON'S STRENGTHS & WEAKNESSES OF THIS STUDY STRENGTHS : Clear Correlation Longitudinal = vast amount of data which can be corresponded with each other QUALITATIVE + QUANTITATIVE DATA - WEAKNESSES : Not taking into consideration social factors and influence of others East London - area of high crime rate = more likely to be antisocial than most areas of England 4 of 4
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