Liberal feminism: already have equality, just need minor changes, social institutions aren’t patriarchal, people are just socialised to be, families cause inequalities in relationships due to mainstream working culture (long hours) and men refusing to pull their weight, ‘march of progress’, think increased equality in the family is happening, men actually raise the kids so women’s oppression is ending, however they’re kinda ethnocentric, don’t really help with the fight for equality
Marxist feminism: it’s capitalism. And men. Economic inequality, dependence, political confusion and unhealthy social relationships between men and women cause women’s oppression, dismantle capitalism to liberate women, Bensen- men’s obligation to family weakens bargaining power at work (cannae strike), Ansley and Cooper- the emotional support of wives serves as a release valve for men’s frustration in a capitalist system, however, ignores variation in family life, assumes all families are traditions, exaggerates, issues families are bad
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