Required Charles to agree to:
- Solemn League and Convenant
- Abolition of bishops and archibishops and religion to be settled by parliament
- Parliament to agree on how to raise money and to command armed forces and advisors
Charles hoping to exploit the divisions within parliament:
- Scots and parliament over religion, Parliament divided into war and peace parties
- Army - religious extremism e.g. Levellers, Ranters, Quakers
- Unrest in counties as army was not disbanded and countinued on committes (annoyed gentry)
- Unhappy that parliament had passed ordiance limiting religious festivals e.g. Christmas in 1644- had been riots in Canterbury Christmas 1647
Charles handed to Parliament and taken to Holdenby House, response to NP May 1647
- Parliament control of army for only 10 years, supporters not to be persecuterd
- Discussing Presbyterian church, not to give up right to chose ministers
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