'Spectral play of colour'- Play on words, beauty of Arctic. Can resemble a spectre of a ghost= unreality. OR colours, waves of light. Physical + Mystical- ongoing theme throughout text.
'evening light was turning butter-gold' - 'butter' with 'gold' intensifies the colour- richer and more luxuriant.
'Valuable part of the diet for both man and dogs...Its single ivory tusk...was used for harpoon tips'- Factual and detailed paragraph, showing the necessity of hunting narwhal- simple, prepares us for hunting scene.
'The women clustered' - Suggests a sense of community. Just like narwhal have 'pods', the humans have their grouping too.
'Each wife knew her husband instinctivley'- Word 'instinctivley' reminds us of animals= Herbert suggests a balance of forces of mad and whale.
'It was crucial...staple diet'- These words emphasise that hunting is a matter of survival.
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